In November 1973, I was 29 years old and worked as a drama lecturer at Livingston College, New Brunswick campus, Rutgers University.
I wrote several plays that were well received by New York City producers but were not selected for production.
I am determined to make my play if no one wants, and I am sure that a city with a huge university is surrounded by a grand theater --
The cultural population of the neighboring town will support a professional theater.
So, I\'m with John hiker, a student at Rutgers University.
When I was in my 20 s, I started to create a new theater.
At the time, there was no New Brunswick.
This is the beginning of the George Street Theater.
John and I, with about $5,000, rented a former Acme supermarket to decorate our new company.
At the same time, we borrowed space at the First Presbyterian Church on Livingston Avenue to present a play before the official opening.
Harold Pinte\'s first work of the keeper began in March 11, 1974, 30 years ago, and lasted about three weeks.
Three or four performances a week;
In a performance, four people sat in the audience and one in a free seat.
Advertising was the first season after our renovation.
20. use Xiao\'s \"weapons and human production. \'\' (
The third work of this season, in December 1974, we staged my own drama, \"the night of a few stars,\" and over the next few years we completed three more. )
In the first year of advertising, we have 110 users, with an annual budget of $59,000 and a maximum fare of $4, with a schedule that includes approximately 12 performances per product.
The seat of the theater is the chair of the remaining property warehouse of Rutgers.
The riser they were placed on was a set of tables and a set of remaining Ping for the Army-
Table tennis tables and step platforms built from abandoned building scaffolding planes.
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The stage lamp light equipment is to purchase one instrument at a time through the contribution of the audience.
I remember at the end of the performance of the first play, there was such a plea on the stage: \"The Light of the first play was borrowed.
You have to help us if you want a second product.
The cost of a fresnel Light is $14. 50.
Add a light bulb for $19.
50, we need 100 of them to make a decent lighting plot for the next work.
\"So, under the leadership of artistic director David St, from a vision to the theater we know today, a small victory.
Over the years, the theater produced its first \"proof\" in 1999, which won the Pulitzer and Tony Awards, with several world premieres outside the Broadway Theater in New York.
Recently, it included Anne Mela\'s path along the garden and Spitfire Grill.
\"Creating a Professional Theater on site has a lot of great rewards for me and the people I think have been involved in since the beginning.
George Street also played an important role in bringing New Brunswick back to life.
But when the theater celebrates its anniversary, my memory goes back to the early days, people and production, for example, 1982-
83 season 23-year-
Old Kevin Spacey
Later in 1991-
92 season there are \'Zara scare and other bait, \'the world premiere starring because of you.
My memory also included Robert Bohm, who rented us the former supermarket that became our theater and charged us almost nothing, then contributed some of the money needed for the renovation.
Two years later, Sir.
Boehm is a real drama enthusiast who sold us the building for less than the market value, and in the end, he folded his hands and joked: \"It\'s more interesting than making money.
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A version of the article was printed in March 7, 2004 and on the NJ14 page of the national edition, the title is: review the 30-year drama (and $4 Tickets).