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behind the scenes at trump\'s \'showbiz\' republican convention

by:Marslite     2019-10-17
As part of a conservative American political arena, the Republican National Convention is the last opening battle before the election.
But no one promised it would be a charming job.
This week, members of the production department are working in the shower in the lending area faster.
The desks of the core production staff are constantly changing --room lockers.
Organizers said there was even talk about putting work space in the sauna.
\"We have someone working in the bathroom, someone in the closet,\" said Lizzie Mickelsen, a member of the production team, who was sitting on the lighting steps leading to the main stage of the stadium.
The CBC at the Cleveland l convention began with a dueling rally, did Melania Trump copy Michelle Obama\'s speech?
Republicans speaking at the conference praised Donald Trump for attacking Clinton \"I\'m behind the stairs,\" Mickelsen said, rapping her knuckles on a glowing step, part of the temporary building built over the past few weeks.
\"We can take over every inch of the building.
Welcome to the background of \"Q\", the ground zero of this week\'s grand old party, where Cleveland hosted the biggest Republican Carnival in 2016.
Here, there are two recent champion professional sports teams under the roof.
The Cleveland Cavaliers of the NBA and the Lake Erie Monster of AHL
Party delegates are looking forward to another potential winner: Donald Trump.
The Republican presidential candidate said earlier this month: \"It is very important to include some entertainment in a conference . \".
\"Otherwise people will fall asleep.
\"Well, if Trump is asking for the show business, he will get the show business.
His \"silhouette entrance\" set the tone for the week on Monday night, inspiring online reviews of the more walking routes
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Introduction to wrestling characters
Create effect, three-Emmy Award-
Award-winning lighting designer David Grill blasted the background with metal 4,400 K white, leaving Trump in the shadows as he headed towards the Queen. We were champions and introduced his wife Melania.
\"The producers want something dramatic, it\'s up to us to think about it,\" Grill said . \".
\"It is always designed as a compelling entrance.
You overexposed the camera and shot the light directly into the lens.
For the audience, the only light on him came from behind him.
\"The control room called Grill and decided when to show him to Trump with the spotlight.
\"This is a mystery because you can\'t see the face of this person,\" Grill mused . \" He added that the scene was mainly aimed at attracting TV viewers.
While Trump has invited some middlemen
Actor Scott Bayo and soap opera star Antonio Sabato, Jr.
Jin Bolin Brown will deliver a keynote speechthe-
The scene technology wizards like Grill will launch the real razzle-dazzle.
Sitting in the control room inside Q is an Emmy-
Win support from producers and stage managers, turn orders into comments, and turn political revels every four years into more ambitious things.
Entertainment programs.
Among the hires who guided the Republican spectacle were veterans of the Winter Olympics and Super Bowling midfield performances, as well as show programmers working for concerts in large arenas such as Katie Perry, jay Z and Foo Fighters
Stage manager Howard Collins paced the main stage wearing headphones, directing Charles afsolé, who, along with the singing angels in northeast Ohio, directed the teen choir, the young group chose to sing the national anthem.
Ladies and gentlemen, singing angels from Northeast Ohio!
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