Gary Azavedo delivered two successful tiatrs \"hem Tuvem Kitem kelem \"(
What did you do?
And \'mhaka villortolo \'(
Who will take me? )
There are many famous pediatricians in Bahrain, brothers including Pablo Peter, the late ofiya, the late Alvares, the late William de kutolim, the late Max tasylvester de Nuvem and Anthony de Nuvem recently released their first tiatr, \"hem Assa Tem! ’ (This is it)
On Saturday, July 16, the premier show was held at Cuncolim. ‘Hem Assa Tem!
It tells how the trauma of unemployment affected family life in March, leading those in distress to develop bad habits such as alcohol and drug abuse.
Despite the tough economic situation, parents should also follow their children\'s activities.
Hem ASA Tem!
Including Jesse Dias, Janis, Pascal Rodger, Menino Mario, Frank Gonsalves, Philippe de Colva, Victor, Marquis Janet and Ronnie, producer Sylvette evola de Nuvem of de Novi, director Anthony himself.
Norman and his troupe provided music, and Anthony de ambarjim was commissioned to handle the stage setting and lighting effects, and Anthony Rodger was appointed the stage manager.
The next display of Tiatr will be held in Shiroda on September 8 at 8. 30pm.
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