ursula martinez: naked ambition

by:Marslite     2019-09-19
Ursula Martinez took to the podium and performed the last part of Hanki Panki, a magical strip show that made her a cult figure.
There is still one second to complete silence.
You \'d think she shot her hand.
This is the voice of the audience realizing that Martinez is about to let a red handkerchief disappear and reappear after gradually dropping all her clothes, even though she is not wearing a needle. How? Take a guess.
When she produced it from what her website tactfully called \"a truly magical place\", there was a breath of surprise and guaws.
Among the crowd of La Clique, the most cutting-edge variety show Martinez often appears, and he is almost as excited as watching Hanky Panky.
This number is as ridiculous as sexy (
Martinez\'s eyes roll like a snooker ball).
This is also a heuristic deconstruction of a strip that manages to make the audience feel as naked as the performer.
Skilled Martinez is nothing but being able to control everything, and unsuspecting viewers often don\'t know where to look.
Martinez said she never felt vulnerable when performing on stage.
But when someone released her five movies, she did --minute-
A long dragon on YouTube three years ago.
She found herself receiving global attention for the sudden appearance of strange emails in her inbox.
This strange fan email has become the raw material for Martinez\'s new solo show \"My Story\" and \"Your email\" opening next Tuesday in Barbican, London.
Martinez has now received more than 1000 emails from men.
By reading a small part of it, some are cute nerds (
A math teacher from South Carolina whose hobbies include learning Vietnamese and listening to output from his radio scanner).
Some are interesting: In the middle
Senior civil servants from Denmark congratulate the performing artist \"ridiculous [\"sic]
Her behaviour and surprising humor and continued to type \"I wrote this article with pure inthusiasm, if I spell it completely wrong because I am Danish, there is no time to find my vocabulary \".
Others are completely creepy: \"The fact that you let my cock thro move and spray doesn\'t take anything away from the artistic quality of your show ,\"
When Martinez was asked when she began to find the emails fascinating, she paused for a long time.
\"Oh my God, it took me a while,\" she concluded . \".
\"I went through a stage of pathological reading them.
This puts me in an absolute state of vulnerability, anxiety, and almost violation.
I then went through filtering for a while because reading them confused me.
18 months later she was \"a little cold\" and used some emails as the basis for a short scratch show and slide show, the new hour
The long show has begun.
By then, she was thinking about \"bringing these materials \".
She even sent back letters to several of her fans, which led to some strange conversations (
These, along with some of the photos she received, are also in the version of Barbican).
Martinez shows her performance like a lecture, side by side showing her views on the world and how the world views her through the Internet.
In the first half of the year, she told a series of autobiography stories and anecdotes about herself and her family.
We found her mom, her dad, and neighbors who wanted to sell some potatoes.
In the second half, we met strangers who sent emails to Martinez.
\"I think it would be a richer show if the audience saw me before seeing other people\'s predictions about me,\" Martinez said . \".
She said she did not make any public comments about the men who wrote to her, but she did \"draw conclusions about who they are and what I think they sound like \".
\"We all draw conclusions about people based on limited information. [These men]
Contact me almost as if you contacted someone via an internet dating site.
In their reply to me, they also said a lot to themselves.
\"If Martinez were to send these guys up-she didn\'t believe she would-she would speed up and add that she was also\" making myself, my parents angry, the world I live in.
This is an important balance: I am not afraid to expose myself or laugh at myself.
\"Martinez has\" her business department, doing dazzling shows and funky celebrity birthday parties \", but she is also very low-key in the field of performing arts,\" said theater producer Simon cassonne
\"She started her career at the experimental theater in the mid-90 s.
Martinez not only traveled around the world with La Clique acrobats, jitters, juggling actors and singers, but also produced a very personal trilogy of works.
Anyone who has seen a family outing, show off or OAP knows her belly button brand
Gaze is more interesting than most people.
Her 1998 debut, a family outing, wrote long
Time collaborator Mark Whitelaw is a unique hybrid game show
Comedy and family photo album, see Martinez ask her the truth
Parents of life on stage.
This includes her asking them how they see her as gay.
\"I don\'t remember what I should say,\" her father snorted before being handed a right list --on answers.
The results were very interesting, but more notably, Martinez successfully missed deep questions about family relations and the nature of drama in joy. (
A few weeks ago, her father died. he was confused and kind during a family trip and sharply recited Shakespeare\'s \"seven-year-old man\" speech. )
How much of Martinez\'s disclosure of herself has been bothering all her work.
Commenters tend to write characters that she is very attractive but \"well designed.
\"It\'s funny, I don\'t think my character is human,\" Martinez said . \".
The performance was carefully produced.
My show is rehearsing and I know where to put a comedy pause.
But I am as much as I can, the story is true.
Not acting is important to me.
Cooperate with Martinez to win the Olivier Award
Winning C\'est Duckie!
See my story, your email when you premiered in Manchester last year.
He won the show soon.
\"The second half of the article is about the loneliness of men and their confusion about the desires associated with women they don\'t know,\" said Caron . \".
\"She\'s not a bitch to the funny guys who emailed her.
She looks at their desires in a detached way, they look ridiculous, it is very tragic.
\"About a decade ago, when Martinez came up with her comic book tease, she didn\'t know it would have been so successful on a nightclub tour, let alone an internet cult.
She clearly remembers how she got the idea.
She had a cocktail party with some performer friends in her apartment.
\"There\'s a lot of wine here, and finally a party --
\"Evening entertainment,\" she said . \"
Martinez has known the disappearing Silk handkerchief illusion since his teens.
She started the trick, \"You know, it\'s all a little drunk and a little naked.
\"The next morning, she was nursing her hangover, she was thinking about the removal of the disappearing handkerchief and clothes, and Hanky Panky came to her in a flash.
\"This bill is almost completely formed,\" she said . \".
Another song and dance show called \"lighting My Fire\" is part of Duckie\'s kitsch show office party in 2007, an entertainment event for the Christmas work celebration and saw a drunk
Watch Martinez light her bra with a cigarette.
Of course, there\'s a happy element of revenge for her new show?
\"When my behavior happened on the Internet, I had taken back the control I had lost,\" Martinez said . \".
\"This is not a personal revenge on any individual.
I am also celebrating the people who wrote to me: many of them are charming, lovely and fun.
I found a perfect way to stop getting frustrated with the fan mail I received.
Martinez is nervous.
In my story, do she show masturbation in your email.
She will only say that the climax of the show is \"anti-climax \".
\"Will she hang up her red handkerchief and thong and exit?
\"I will retire at some point.
Or maybe not, \"she said with a smile.
\"Maybe it will turn into a weird show and I will be happy.
Roll up, roll up!
Come and see the amazing 75-year-
Miss old strip!
\"My story, your email, Barbican Pit in EC2, London (020 7638 8891)
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