spotlight on nic’s new man

by:Marslite     2019-09-25
Charming Nicole Appleton, after spending too much time with that twonk Liam Gallagher, deserves a little joy in life.
As we revealed last week, there is a new man in her life
Who is the absolute spit image of ex
Oasis lead singer Liam
The mysterious guy is Nick Gray, a lighting technician.
The big beard is believed to have patched Nicole\'s broken heart after Liam didn\'t put it in his pants last year --
In the process, the American music reporter gha GHORBANI was knocked down.
Liam is now dating his former private manager, Debbie gviser.
Nick was introduced to Nicole through her sister Natalie\'s husband, Liam Howlett.
He is one of the geniuses behind various cracking lighting performances, including the pyramid stage set up by KASABIAN this year in Glastonbury.
A source said: \"Nicole met Nick in the same social circle through a common friend.
It\'s still early but he makes Nicole happy and friends are happy that she has a smile on her face.
\"Nick has been working with very famous people for many years, but this is brand new to him.
\"Things got a little awkward for Kasabian because their former guitarist Jay had them join Liam\'s new band beady eye.
In addition to being similar to the singer\'s ex-husband, Nick tweeted about the former Oasis star.
On December 2012, he made some comments in an interview, praising the lead singer and writing: \"This is probably my favorite, Liam Gallagher: \"the father and son of Mumford look like they have their own things \".
To be fair, this is a good offer.
Through his Brighton.
Headquartered at Renegade Design, Nick also designed stage lights for julien harris, Julian McDonald\'s latest London Fashion Week show and dj fatboy slim.
He\'s also a father. of-
Often post nine photos of him. year-
The old daughter on his public Instagram account.
Last weekend, the new lovebirds took a walk in Hampstead, north of London, and then had dinner at a local bar.
We were happy to see her stand up and smile.
Nick is a good guy.
After enduring Liam\'s years of antics, this is what she deserves.
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