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robots compete at mount olive high school

by:Marslite     2019-09-22
This weekend, the robot came to the stadium in the high school of olives.
The high school robotics team hosted 38 teams to compete in the recycling theme game.
The alliance of three robots competes with another group of three robots stacking bins and sorting garbage at the edge of the playground.
\"More than 2,000 students are participating,\" said Ernie DiCicco, event coordinator . \".
Children are learning problems.
Skills to solve problems in reality
\"Living in a practical environment,\" he added . \".
The lights are turned off, the stage lights take over, the robot starts to work, trying to beat the opponent by scoring more.
The stands in the stadium are packed with fans and fans. by-
The sound played on the speaker is very loud.
There are two robot teams in Mount Olive, and more than 100 students work in the university team.
Olive Hill robot team (MORT)
There are several groups specialized in one area of robot manufacturing, including design, programming, mechanical, electrical and even business groups.
The robot is programmed to work autonomously for 15 seconds and then remotely operated by the student when the task is completed.
\"When you spend six weeks together in the construction season, there\'s a feeling of family,\" said Pederson, the fall of the MORT team.
The season lasts six weeks.
Some schools wear school uniforms, and in the game they bring pompoms and noise makers to cheer for the team.
Ed emurray @ njadvancemedia Murray may be reached. com.
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