music feature: the new corporate culture

by:Marslite     2019-09-16
Concrete floor on the second floor
There was a flash experience on the silicon planet.
The stage light and the huge video screen bathe in the vast warehouse space, a military factory converted in Jose with a false dramatic glow.
There were company banners everywhere between the two rooms. Microsoft. Skyy Vodka.
Or Synopsys, his slogan is \"Silicon Everywhere \".
\"This event, the baby of silicon planet,\" a new Web community designed for the Internet generation, \"should be a few things: there is no carnival of ecstasy; a non-
Threat rock concert
Social mix between white and Asian;
Trade show of electronic products;
All aspects of the information age; a fund-
Raising funds for the two aid organizations, which will receive an unspecified \"partial ticket income \". \" (
It cost $100 for one ticket, but each waiter must be invited.
However, I talked to a dozen random people and no one actually paid the ticket ---
Most people get it from event sponsors. )
Organizers of the event announced that the silicon planet will \"incorporate performance and technology into the entertainment and immersive evening of the technology trendsetters and networks.
\"They should say\" trend technicians.
\"Between the two main rooms, there are too many bars to calculate, and people in Trail Blazers and small black dresses are swollen when they line up, and they spend $100 waiting for free drinks.
Baker, Devo, television actor David spender and a group of gray Silicon Valley executives who claim to be \"other brothers in flight\" also have two big stages.
Another stage behind the big room offers a dancing space for some people wearing Balinese nut cookies.
There are also two band stands boxing rings wrapped in ropes with mai la;
San Francisco DJ Polywog spins records at one of the stalls.
Waiter in frou-
A large bowl of delicious food and a large bowl of Lucky food.
I read an article \"The wise man buys high and sells low\".
Fortunately, you have a choice.
\"The actual experience of this event is much more restored than the organizers promised.
It seems to have been created for the clear purpose of the sales sponsorship, which is of course achieved.
Microsoft, Synopsys and Yahoo are key contributors. Two dozen more--
Nasdaq and Maytag-
Icons for their four brandscolor semi-gloss program.
Huge potential information-
Businesses in Silicon Valley are creating culture. (
Step 1: insert Bill Gates\'s money.
Step 2: add beautiful new electronics and some moves that kids are talking about.
Step 3: throw away a few catch phrases-
\"The next big thing!
\"Or\" This is a killer app! \" --
Watch the culture happen. )
The act of carnival without compilation-
Rock concert/electronic store trade show.
Some people play video games.
Others bought the $30 moon Wood clo on the silicon planet \".
Meet in Silicon Valley\'s \"martini bar\" with the \"Lava Lounge\" or thick stogies at the 21st century cigar bar.
\"Some people dance badly, dance with other brother versions of the\" girl with brown eyes \"in flight, or smile hesitantly about their pranks.
Other people drank too much Skyy Vodka and fell.
Clever and cautious cynical spades tell jokes that viewers can appreciate.
After going through standard procedures about universities, appointments, planes and bad drivers, he makes fun of people who work at McDonald\'s and laughs at criminals on \"police\"flops.
I don\'t know what\'s inherently interesting, either, but then I realized it wasn\'t the point.
It is important that behind the walls of the \"web community\" of the silicon planet, both are unlikely to be represented here.
\"Spade\'s best transition between jokes:\" So that\'s it.
\"Devo has had one of the best performances in his yellow jumpsuit and red hat.
At their peak, Devo was one of those bands that were smarter and more intellectually stimulating than their gimmicks.
Unfortunately, the bill is as old as Apple ii c and now they are just five short fat men who look like city councillors.
\"Whip\" only soothing 20-
A desire for irony and nostalgia; \"(I Can\'t Get No)
\"Once brilliant deconstruction ---or \"de-
Evolution \"speak--
A classic rock song that seems tired in the backcourtDaddy era.
Baker gave the night a center that did not mention the event, nor did it mention his superb acting skills, his wide appeal to suburban teens, Grumpy music critics, and Silicon Valley geeks
A few weeks before the show, music news site indulge in noise reported that Baker was not satisfied with certain terms of the concert, including the $100 ticket price.
The Silicon planet made some concessions and he kept the date.
I expect to sing six songs and quit soon.
Instead, the imitation artist played for an hour. and-a-
Half set full of new songs, dancing like abody
Amazing Mick Jagger (
Baker sneered).
But if Baker is great, why would this event be a full busy one? Maybe it\'s because some invitees secretly want them to trade on tickets and invite them to last year\'s double.
Dylan show (
Jacob and Bob attended a corporate event in San Jose last year).
Or maybe it\'s because the video screen around the warehouse ruthlessly mixes live show cameras with the worst wow-
Video editing is cool.
The more likely reason is that when you replace art with slogans, buy power instead of creativity, and solve any key problems with \"never say no --
The end result is clever marketing, not living culture.
Rock and roll, now almost a fascinating and unique art experience, still has some breathing associated with it, but the silicon planet doesn\'t have everything it can suffocate.
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