michelle terry\'s first season at shakespeare\'s globe: 7 things we know about her plans

by:Marslite     2019-10-19
When Michelle Terry was declared the new art director of Shakespeare\'s Globe Theatre, her appointment was generally recognized.
Just two seasons after Emma Rice left, some wells-
Many people think a successor may have inherited a poisonous Holy Grail.
But as an actress, Terry got a lot of great shows in the Global Times, an inspiring choice that seems to meet the needs of all camps.
There is a lot of expectation about what her director will look like: Will she perform herself in the play?
Will the enlarged light and sound continue to exist or will it go back to the past?
From Sarah Kane to the title character of Henry V, what will an actor perform?
Today, Terry unveiled her first season as artistic director of bankabad House, an interesting insight into the future.
We know seven things about Terry\'s rule.
Headline news is that former Global Times boss, Oscar-winning Mark relance will return to the main stage to play Iago in a work of Othello.
Directed by his wife Claire Van camben, Andre Holland will play Othello.
Rylance, the first art director to operate the ship from 1996 to 2005, called his return \"a great recognition of the performing arts.
When asked what her core ambitions for the new season were, Terry talked about the day of the final round of interviews, how she listened to podcasts about the collision between logic and myth.
\"I realize that I have never been in a place that is more visible than the world,\" she said . \".
As we stand in the courtyard on the ground, we can still feel that we are in El Sino and we should \"embrace this collision \".
Terry pays tribute to her predecessor, who is a great catalyst for the world to spend a period of self
Reflect and figure out what its real purpose is.
\"I personally think that Emma Rice is the best thing to happen around the world because as an organization it is forced to have a healthy protest,\" she said . \".
After the disagreement on \"sharing light\", Rice posted to the left in dispute;
Many people believe that the world should adhere to the original conditions of Shakespeare\'s plays as much as possible.
Terry is well aware that there is no more amplified sound and there will be a lighting device only for functional purposes --
So you can perform the drama at night.
One thing that makes the world unique, she says, is its game space, which is where she encourages other directors to explore.
But she described the original practice as \"a restrictive, almost derogatory term --
This means that women can\'t show up in the play and it won\'t happen!
\"Her opening work for the first season will be Hamlet, performed by Ensemble if you like.
Terry said it was because she wanted to break the hierarchy and emphasize the collaborative nature of making a play because there was too much pressure on an actor or director to take responsibility for making it.
Other democratizing features of Terry\'s artistic director will be the open policy of the orchestra\'s rehearsal room, which she says will be a direct way to combat Shakespeare\'s myth of \"one answer.
There will also be eight actors touring the country and the world on the 12 th night performing The Merchant of Venice and the tame bitch
The audience will decide which one to perform at the beginning of the evening.
Terry also made it clear that she was committed to diversity, but said the issue was \"too complicated\" to implement a specific policy.
The most prominent feature of Shakespeare\'s plays is that Hamlet is two noble relatives, the story of Winter, Othello and labor of love in the main parts of this season
But there will also be plenty of room for the new work, and Morgan Lloyd Malcolm\'s Emilia and Matt Hartley\'s Emme will have two world premieres.
The world will respond to refugee week with a series of events to see Shakespeare\'s response to the refugees, including the Nanjing premiere, written and performed by Jude Christian.
A series of events about Shakespeare and censorship, Shakespeare and race will provide us with further thinking.
Clearly, the role of the opening ceremony has not yet been determined, and several band members have not yet been identified, but when asked if she would like to play Hamlet herself, Terry replied: \"Of course, I want to play Hamlet!
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