What\'s in common with soundproofing party bunker, monkey chandelier and Playboy pinball machine? They can all be found at the home of Carla de Levan and Poppy de Levan.
The sisters gave fans a look at the inside of their Los Angeles pad in the building Digest, which was released in September.
Not everyone will choose their siblings as roommates.
However, this move is very suitable for these famous family members. \"L. A.
\"It could be a lonely place,\" said the Carnival star . \".
\"You really have to try to get in touch with people.
Because one of us always comes here for one reason or another, it makes sense to be with family.
Nevertheless, the sisters must ensure that their privacy is protected.
According to the magazine, the \"elegant and unpretentious\" 1950 house has two main suites --
Each is on a different floor with its own entrance. Poppy\'s light-
Full Suite features hand-covered walls-
Show the paper painted by the monkey and the giant mouth bird living on the tree.
\"For my bedroom here, I want to create a calm atmosphere with pale pink and blue, Moroccan carpets and super soft fabrics,\" she told the publication . \".
It feels like heaven.
\"Kara\'s room was a little different.
The Architectural Digest describes the supermodel\'s nest as \"a very unpleasant thing to think of as a proper gentleman club, despite the serious sexiness of the club.
\"The room feels like the Playboy Mansion, the Art Deco style and the pattern of David Hicks fit in nicely,\" Kara said of the room with an 11-foot-
Wide bed set up on mirror platform.
\"I want to take back the concept of The Bachelor mat and make it my own.
Outside her bedroom is a \"soundproofing party bunker\" with carpet walls, stripper dance bar, disco lights, and black velvet paintings for women with bare upper body.
The home also has several colors of pop.
From the pink and green interiors in the living room to the Emerald dining room and the monkey chandelier, these two
The House of the story is full of characters.
To see more photos of the house, check out the video of building Digest and the new release.