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for showmobile, township\'s a stage

by:Marslite     2019-09-15
WILSONJULY 1972 this is a digital version of an article from The Times Print Archive, before its online publication began in 1996.
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Showqui tous Showmobile in this huge town made its third trip in an area covering an area of 220 square miles (
From Cedar Beach on the north shore to Patchogue on the South Shore). Robert E.
Senator Reid and Mr.
Poulos saw an op portunity that made pro grams available in the township at any time by acquiring Showmobile.
It was delivered in the midsummer of 1970 and used two nights a week for five weeks.
Showmobile made its debut last Monday on the son of the sea
At Kaler Pond Park in East morrisches, it provides a stage for \"spending the night with gentle men\", which includes a chorus group --
Then on Wednesday, it moved to Cedar Beach, where all Americans can play the banjo team.
This is also a busy week for Showmobile.
Tomor row, which will return to Kaler\'s Pond Park with the \"sound of Swing\", a large swing band;
It will be in V: F on Tuesday. W.
The morrisches center hall at Sonny Campbell country show will be held again on Wednesday with the Stone Creek Fire Department Band at Cedar Beach.
In the next two months, Showmobile will also bring a variety of musi cal entertainment, from Dixieland jazz to barbershop singing to St.
The Church of Astic is at Martha\'s beach, at sanzte Park in pajog, Gordon Highland Park, Ward Melville High School grounds, Longwood High School grounds and north Bell Port School.
Advertising Showmobile is a platform on wheels, 34 feet long and 8 feet wide;
However, by using an apron on each side, it becomes a 16-foot 34-foot stage.
It can accommodate an orchestra of 40 people, carry its own sound and lighting system, and is pulled by a park truck that can reach anywhere in town and set up within 90 minutes.
Advertising this $13,000 portable stage was acquired in 1970 by the entertainment apartment in Brookhaven, after the town\'s entertainment director Peter Pouros saw a stage at the Entertainment men\'s convention.
\"He has been talking about the film for a year after the convention,\" recalled Paul Olin keevich, who is in charge of the brukehaven summer music series, a few days ago.
\"Then we tried an experiment that made us decide to buy one.
\"The roots of the purchase can be traced back to 1965, when the entertainment department planned a number of projects for the town\'s parks, setting up an art advisory committee composed of music experts, arts and history
That summer, a platform was built in Bald Hill, a ski bowl in agricultural ville owned by the township, which became supposedly the largest outdoor amphitheater in Long Island.
The audience sat on a blanket at the ski resort, one of which was 800 feet high.
There were seven Sunday concerts by the brukehaven Symphony Orchestra, the big swing band and chorus.
For the next three years, a series of 10 Sunday shows will be held every summer;
They are mainly local talents.
\"In 1969, we decided to take the music to the boat community in town,\" he said.
Brookhaven is the largest town ship in New York state.
It is 20 cents bigger than Nassau County, but for some residents, Bald Hill is far from here.
\"As a test, we built a portable band case at Cedar Beach.
We played there for four nights and found that we attracted more people than Bald Hills.
\"There is a huge parking lot on the beach and some people are sitting in the car, just like when watching a movie.
The musicians were surprised when they heard Horne King and applause mixed up.
\"Driven by the success of the Cedar Beach experiment, Robert E.
Senator Reid and Mr.
Poulos saw an op portunity that made pro grams available in the township at any time by acquiring Showmobile.
It was delivered in the midsummer of 1970 and used two nights a week for five weeks.
There were 21 Showmobile shows last summer; this summer;
There will be 31 shows on Showmobile and 9 on Bald Hill.
These projects are by Mr.
Senior High School teacher o\'rinkivich;
They offer almost all kinds of music except rock and roll.
\"The vast majority of the people we are calling for don\'t hear the music we offer anywhere else,\" he said . \".
\"Rock is everywhere for young people.
We think the summer series is a way for people to get in touch with other types of music.
We offer black jazz in the white community.
We have sym band, big band, barber shop band, chorus, country and western music and pop concerts.
\"The non-professional groups that will be performing in the series this summer include the northpajog Fire Department Band, The New York Fire Department Band, the Medford choir, the North Shore, the Chorus Association and the Rocky Point Senior Citizens Band.
Local professionals will include Billy Mitchell, a jazz saxophone player;
Peter or chastra, the Brookhaven Symphony Orchestra and the symphony, commanded by Earl snow.
A version of this file was printed on page 96 of the New York edition on July 9, 1972 with the title: for Showmobile, the township is a stage.
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