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david staples: new lamp that mimics the sun has major impact on cannabis growing

by:Marslite     2020-01-12
Simulating the power of the sun has shown remarkable results in growing cannabis. A high-
Science and Technology lighting system imitating all kinds of sunshine-
Manufactured by Edmonton Corporation G2V, research scientist Michael Taschuk developed at the University of Alberta Laboratory
It is currently being tested in four cannabis farming businesses in Canada.
The result is so amazing that this lighting system can have many beneficial applications in food and plant growth.
Travis George from the British Columbia endless sky cannabis company has been testing high
People have been using Terminal lighting systems for three years, but have found that cannabis v lamps grow cannabis plants much faster.
\"This is Alberta.
More than all other lighting products on the market . . . . . . It kicked their ass.
\"Using only half the energy of other high energies results significantly better g2v results.
End the lighting, says George.
The G2V lighting system was not developed to grow plants.
Instead, it was built to test solar cells at the National Institute of Nanotechnology.
The goal of solar cells is to improve efficiency.
This makes it necessary to have very precise measuring diagnostic tools, including lamps that simulate sunlight, as it experiences a wide variety of hot and cold, bright and dim heat on the surface of the Earth, and everything between the two.
\"What I want to do is develop a man-made sun that basically you can turn on and off,\" Taschuk said . \".
Taschuk, 45, manages a large team of research scientists, but wants to see if some of their work can be applied in the real world.
The work of the lab did not cut it.
Like Taschuk GVS\'s business partner, Ryan Tucker, 30, a team who is part of the United States said: \"(
Nano-tech solar cells
Science is amazing and exciting, I love it so much, but it\'s too far from the app.
Taschuk began planting plants using his solar simulated lighting system in 2012.
He was excited by all the possibilities.
\"Obviously, there\'s a lot more to do.
\"The plant is highly sensitive to light and is able to detect the time of the day and the time of the year through it.
\"Because we have absolute control over what light and plants see, we can manipulate growth patterns.
Tucker compares the G2V lighting system to music, saying that the old lighting system is like a horn on a train, making a loud noise, and the sun v sun simulator is like a big piano.
\"This is a big piano where you can play songs for your plants.
The effect of the spectral combination is those tunes.
Different plants like different versions of plants, so you can find a plant that will make your plants the fastest and growing, compared to basically being an air horn, you can turn it on, off, or make it bigger, or a little bit darker, and that\'s all you can do.
\"All kinds of money flow into the cannabis industry, and many people have a strong interest in better growing cannabis,\" Tucker said.
Cannabis is a cash crop that, unlike other crops, will help this lighting system take off and be commercially successful, but the real goal is to apply it to growing food and other plants.
\"Investment in agricultural technology, not just lighting, the investment in software monitoring, nutrition and water culture is also so huge because (
Legalization of Marijuana)
There is no doubt that it will change the technology of large enterprises.
Scale-controlled farming, vertical planting of herbs, will happen faster due to this influx, \"Tucker said.
In cold, low forests, for example, it is difficult to restore damaged forests
Light climate, but the G2V lights are now being used on seedlings to mimic the harsh conditions that they will face when planting, now putting pressure on them, but giving them a better chance to eventually survive.
For a long time, I have supported the legalization of cannabis in order to tax businesses, regulate products and make them safer, and they have the right to smoke if the adult individual wishes.
However, it is heartening to see that the unintended consequences of legalization are likely to be the superior planting techniques of various food crops.
In other words, growing marijuana faster and cheaper can save the world.
It\'s not just a daydream, it\'s what companies like G2V are doing right now.
@ Postmedia.
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