cree adds new led arrays to its portfolio

by:Marslite     2019-09-23
Cree added a new chipon-
Its industry-leading cxa led array series.
CXA2 LED arrays utilize elements of the Cree SC5 technology platform (
Launched last quarter
This enables lighting designers to significantly reduce system costs (by up to 60%)
In the next generation
Leading lighting products.
With the new CXA2 LED array, lighting manufacturers can achieve the same or better performance by LED smaller than earlier products, so as to quickly provide more innovative solutions for applications such as track outdoor lighting and downlights.
Corey is a market.
Leading innovators in lighting
LED and LED lighting.
The decline in LED demand and the decline in profit pressure are two key trends that have affected Cree\'s growth prospects in the past few quarters.
However, the company continues to see strong growth in the lighting sector, and since the lighting sector remains an untapped opportunity, the company expects no change in the trend.
The LED lighting market is expected to grow by 45% per year by 2019, due to lower prices and increased Channel interest in bringing LED to consumers.
LED lighting is expected to account for 80% of the lighting market by 2020, creating a market of up to $94 billion.
Corey is confident to continue to win in the field of LED lighting.
With a fully integrated vertical business model, the company is a market leader in LED and LED lighting products.
Product innovation in the past few years has opened up new applications, increasing the return on LED, and thus driving demand for Cree products.
Despite the company\'s significant progress, the number and product base of its lighting business has increased over the past few years, and it believes that in terms of revenue and profitability, there is still a lot of untapped potential.
The company has a strong product line and is building a good sales momentum for it.
Although the LED field is still very competitive, Corey believes that its high-power LED technology will enable the company to achieve long-term success in high-performance LED lighting applications.
The company closed the Lextar investment in the 2015 quarter and worked with the team to provide LED chips and test some initial lighting products.
Working with Lextar can help Cree expand its presence in the mid-marketpower segment.
Although the company is optimistic about its long-term operations
Long term prospects in the field of LED lighting, it acknowledges that it takes time to work under new product design cycles and current market conditions.
Increased competition from big companies could limit growth potential. Osram, Philips and General Electric are some of the leading competitors in the LED market.
In terms of revenue, all of these players are much bigger than Cree.
Philips and GE have been rolling out some innovative products to the market at very low prices, although Cree bulbs are still one of the cheapest bulbs on the market.
If GE chooses to make LEDs on a large scale in the future, its sheer size can help the company achieve economies of scale.
GE sells its LED bulbs through Walmart
Wal-Mart has 11,000 stores in 27 countries.
By contrast, Krui\'s retail partner, Home Depot, has about 2,300 stores.
The increasing competition will limit the long-term development of Kerui.
Long-term growth potential, in order to capture the growing market, the company clearly needs to focus on innovation.
We expect CREE to continue to grow, but expect growth to slow during our review.
Cree is part of an industry that is still in its infancy and continues to focus on bringing new lows
Higher cost and efficiency products on the market can help it expand its revenue base in the future.
Our price for CREE is estimated at $37, which is almost consistent with the current market price and translates into a market value of $4. 3 billion.
We estimate that the company will report revenue and net income of $1.
In 2015, $95 billion and $0. 12 billion respectively.
Fiscal Year 2015 (
Fiscal year ends on June)
We predictGAAP EPS of $1. 72.
View our complete analysis of the Cree HereView interactive agency research (
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