
christmas tree lights the way

by:Marslite     2019-08-29
Launceston was lit Friday night by a Christmas tree at Brisbane Street Mall.
Shopping center and section-
The neighborhood of Charles Street is packed with families celebrating the opening of the festival, lined with food trucks and event centers.
7-Mowbray Heightsyear-
Old Cheyenne Williams dressed for the occasion and was lit at about 8. 30pm.
\"I love all the metal foil and disco lights,\" she said . \".
Vanessa Cahoon, executive officer of the city dance, said the tree looks as good as serving the fifth year.
\"There is a lot of discussion about the taxi Christmas tree at the moment, but we are very satisfied with it,\" she said . \".
\"The beauty of this tree is that it has thousands of fairy lights everywhere, so it really has nothing else to talk about.
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