another speech, another missed opportunity

by:Marslite     2019-09-18
If the car parked in the basement of Hilton Hotel Sandton is any indication of the financial power to support Cyril ramafusa\'s successful first campaign, money is not a problem here.
Upstairs, the presidential candidate sat next to one of about 10 white people in the room.
Given his allegations of \"being too close to the Jews\", this does not bode well, but perhaps he has no say in the matter.
This is ramafusa\'s first speech after public opposition to the recent cabinet reshuffle.
He was chaired by the Black Business Council (BBC)
About 100 people took part in an intimate event, including strong Zuma supporters such as Jimmy Manny and Vivian Reddy.
BBC president Danisa Baloyi welcomed the vice president on stage.
She babbled about his political credentials.
Ramafusa stared at his phone while he was talking.
\"After 23 years, what are the difficulties of a complete economic transformation? ” Baloyi asks.
Ramaphosa scratched his face and briefly looked up before looking down at the phone again.
Maybe one of his lobbyists is cheering him up.
It was the moment when he stood up for the competition.
\"Like many others, I am proud of you for starting against the current regime.
Please continue to do so otherwise you will not be successful in December.
We need you to be stronger and stronger.
You have to fight damn hard on these evil forces and corruption \"read a 78 782 on the Facebook page of CR17Siyavuma like 13: 00 yesterday afternoon.
\"We supported him, but he was silent and we didn\'t know what he was thinking.
He can\'t be like Kgalema Motlanthe, he should be talking loudly now, or we\'ll be canvassing for nothing (sic)
\"Another read.
Baloyi continues to lament the current economic situation, especially the hostility to black businesses.
It\'s finally ramahosa\'s turn.
He is charming and seldom reads his speech.
He\'s obviously in good shape. rehearsed.
\"Our economy is under tremendous pressure at the moment, affected by global events and local events,\" he said . \" He mentioned restructuring for the first time.
\"We must have the courage to recognize the domestic and global conditions that lead to these challenges.
But courage also lies in recognizing the subjective factors that make the situation worse-factors that result from our own actions or inaction.
In the face of \"It seems like a stupid political season,\" he called for hope.
He felt impatient in the room and announced that he would soon address the radical economic transformation.
\"Yes, let\'s get started,\" Some people said . \".
After a while, he did talk about the topic.
Borrow a page from Nkosazana Dlamini
Zuma\'s book, he threw all his weight behind him.
\"Radical means it must happen immediately.
Those who question it must sit down and smell the smell of coffee.
Economic transformation is No.
What can be discussed is that there is nothing abstract about radical economic transformation.
This is fundamentally inclusive and shared growth.
I received a text message from an acquaintance in the room, \"lobaba uypheka \"(
This guy is lying to us).
Just when he seemed to be full. blown Dlamini-
Zuma ramafusa has offered another complaint: \"Even if there are people who may want to use this concept for the pursuit of selfish personal goals, or just to discredit the revolutionary credentials of others, radical economic transformation also has substance, meaning and relevance.
\"This is not a great future --
What his lobbyists finally wanted.
On Twitter, many people lament that his intentions are still too subtle.
Those less loyal groups are already looking for their support for him and deploying it elsewhere.
Perhaps Lindiwe Sisulu or his brother-in-law, Jeff Radby, appeared last week in a serious Garo Judas in Moriah.
Diehard supporters say the second star will make a mark at the upcoming policy meeting.
As far as he is concerned, Ramaphosa mentioned the policy document seven times in his speech, so maybe that\'s the plan.
As his speech drew to a close, he made the last subtle proposal for the road: \"We will not allow the institutions of our country to be captured by families and individuals who intend to narrow themselves. enrichment”.
Another address, another opportunity missed.
Today, he will be attending the Chris Haney Memorial Lecture in East Cape Province with the laid-off deputy Treasury secretary, macbisi Jonas.
His activists hope he can finally give them the green light.
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