5 reasons to buy an iphone 8 plus

by:Marslite     2019-09-16
Easy to write-
As a small upgrade to the iPhone 7, turn off the iPhone 8 Plus.
Of course, iPhone 7 users may hesitate to upgrade unless they are on one of the annual upgrade plans.
But I do think the iPhone 8 Plus revenue is more than just the usual \"S\" name Apple uses in odd years.
I think there are five reasons why the iPhone 8 Plus is worth buying.
As always, Jay McGregor, a Forbes contributor, borrowed the concept of \"Five Reasons\" from me and is currently working to create a brand new video news.
Check out his YouTube channel and Forbes website for more amazing news. 1 -
The real tone of the screen is amazing.
This technology allows the iPhone to match the light it generates from the screen with the ambient light around you.
Therefore, outdoors, during the day, the screen is a colder, bluer hue, and in the room, the screen has a warmer hue.
What does this have to do?
Well, it allows better operation. screen colours.
The purpose is to try to make sure that you always see that the content on the screen is a perfect reproduction, and the real shades are designed to help prevent ambient light from distorting what the display shows.
Some people like it and some hate it, but I think it makes the iPhone look better.
In general, the screen is amazing even when compared to OLED in iPhone X
There is a reason why Apple has insisted on LCD for a long time, it is very reliable and has produced huge results at lower cost and higher output.
Apple\'s extensive color support means being colorful and yelling at you with real power, but they also retain a connection to the real world.
This is not the case with Samsung\'s Note 8. I think this is too much.
To the extent that everything is distorted.
It looks good but doesn\'t match the authenticity of the iPhone 8 Plus. 2 -
The IPhone X is almost as good as the iPhone X, very cheap, I am fascinated by the iPhone X, but the reality is that it is hard to get the iPhone X, and the price is quite expensive.
If you want a new device on the market and want to get a 95% feature, then the iPhone 8 Plus is your phone.
From a pricing point of view, the iPhone 8 Plus with 256 GB capacity is $50 cheaper than the iPhone X 64 gb.
What\'s more, the 64 gb iPhone 8 Plus is $200 cheaper than the 64 gb iPhone X.
We all want the iPhone X, but now its usefulness makes it a bit of a difficult choice. 3-
In the right case, the iPhone 8 Plus is much more powerful than the iPhone 7 Plus. How so?
Apple is now also designing its own GPU, which allows it to control optimization.
This means that the iPhone 8 can make photo processing real.
Time is tight when a lot of phones need extra time to process images.
This is evident in the new portrait pattern that requires a lot of processing.
This can also be seen in Apple\'s now launched AR app.
Both of these are smooth and smooth, happen in real time, or in situations where some photos are very close.
This may sound like a lot, but you don\'t want the camera locked when you take the picture, and you want to keep taking the next one.
This power helps Apple do what Apple does best.
Seamless integration of hardware and software.
The extra speed means your phone should also last longer.
Apple will support a new version of iOS in the next few years, so while the phone is expensive, there is no reason to believe it won\'t last you for two, three or even four years --
As long as you have a case. 4 -
I am a person who likes videos and I like videos.
The IPhone 8 Plus, thanks to 24 FPS slow motion at 1080 p, made 4 k video recording at 60 p, really took the video to a new level
Apple didn\'t have the fastest slow motion and Sony got a huge 900 fps.
The problem is that Sony allows only a fraction of the time to record for the second time at this speed, it is difficult to capture things and requires an amazing amount of light.
Apple\'s more gentle slow motion seems to be infinite in duration and highspeed action.
It\'s also in full HD.
Then there is a 4 k video of 60 frames per second.
This is a feature that many expensive cameras don\'t have.
It gives you smooth and clear video with very high resolution.
This is a great tool for shooting videos of pets, kids and life.
It doesn\'t look as clunky as a 24fps video, and if you want to apply the effect later to make a more \"movie\" Look, you can of course do that.
Consider 4 k 60 p as an archive format that will bring a lot of life to your video in the next few years.
Now, the iPhone is the only device that can really deliver these amazing video features.
We all know that the iPhone stands camera is great.
The new portrait mode makes the 8 Plus an amazing camera for shooting things.
Things like stage lights are still being tested and need some work
But even so, they can produce amazing results. 5 -
Wireless charging yes I have a Palm Pre with this about 10 years ago and your toothbrush may also use this technology.
But it\'s not about Apple already including it, it\'s about what it offers on Apple devices.
After all, Android users who already have wireless charging don\'t suddenly shout \"this is the feature that prevents me from being the owner of the iPhone \".
The problem with Apple Qi implementation is that it\'s better than anything else I \'ve ever seen.
My Note 8 uses the same Samsung charging board as the iPhone, but placing it properly is more tricky and it takes a long time to detect the charger.
On the other hand, the iPhone picked up the charger very quickly and then started charging faster than the Android device I checked.
Then add an Apple option-
The built-in charger can charge your watch, mobile phone and AirPods, allowing you to begin to see how Apple uses technology to make it more cohesive and holistic.
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