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trump on the mind at the oscars in jokes, protest

by:Marslite     2019-09-19
On Oscar night, President Donald Trump has never been out of sight, but political speeches remain at home except on Sunday.
Late at night, host Jimmy Kimmel tried to get rid of Trump by tweeting to Trump in the air.
By the end of the show, the leader of the free world had not yet taken the bait.
Kimmel has repeatedly joked about Trump and expressed concern about Trump\'s target Meryl Streep.
To a large extent, the Oscar winners thanked mom, their director, and it seemsor acted —
Being overwhelmed by honor
Streep, his Golden Globe Award for the upcomingto-
When she appeared on the stage to present the awards, be president took the awards and insisted on her script.
Iranian filmmaker Asghar Farhadi, who won the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film, boycotted Sunday\'s ceremony on the grounds that Trump had targeted his own country.
He sent Iranian astronaut Anousheh Ansari to read a statement for him.
\"My absence is due to respect for the people of my country and the people of six other countries, who are not respected by inhuman laws that prohibit immigrants from entering the United States. S.
Ansari quoted Fahadi as saying.
\"Dividing the world into categories for the United States and our enemies creates fear.
\"All six directors nominated for the category issued a statement two days before the ceremony criticizing the\" fascist climate \"of the United States\"S.
Marlon Brando decided to send American Indian Saken litterfisher to win the Best Actor award in 1973, which is basically an Oscar and a modern marriage of politics.
But when documentary producer Bert Schneider talked about the Vietnam War two years later, Frank Sinatra later read an apology, which is still very unusual --air.
Since then, the Oscar podium has been used for political purposes many times: on 1978 Vanessa Redgrave, on behalf of the Palestinians, Michael Moore condemned President George W. Bush.
Bush pushed for same-sex marriage in 2003, Sean Payne in 2009, Patricia aguette advocated women\'s pay equality in 2015, and Leonardo DiCaprio talked about climate change last year.
At the end of his monologue, kimmel said about the audience, \"some of you will be here to give a speech, the president of the United States will post tweets on all caps when he is 5 years old. m. bowel movement.
However, only Fahadi has really attacked the president.
Kimmel has put forward several allusions to Trump, one of which was mentioned in a joke that caused an Oscar past controversy over the lack of diversity in nominations.
\"Remember last year when people said Oscar was racist? ” he said.
He mentioned the \"overrated\" Streep, who got a standing ovation from her peers.
After her Golden Globes speech, Trump said she won the prize --
The winning actress is overvalued.
Kimmel joked, \"by the way, is that Ivanka?
Kimmel also mentioned that White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer banned some journalists at a press conference on Friday, saying CNN, The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times and others need to leave.
\"We can\'t tolerate fake news,\" he said . \"
When he introduced the nominees for the best supporting actress award, last year\'s supporting actor winner Mark relance said an award should be given to those who can oppose things without hatred.
Trump did not give his name, but the background seemed clear.
If Trump is watching, Twitter may only know.
White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer was asked last week if the president planned to listen, saying he didn\'t know.
But since there was a Governor\'s Ball on Sunday, he said: \"I have a feeling that the president and the first lady will concentrate on Sunday night . \".
What really caught Trump\'s attention was that the New York Times announced it would advertise during the ceremony.
The president said on Twitter Sunday that the Times was trying to \"save its reputation for failure \".
He encouraged the times to \"try to report accurately and fairly\" on an inaccurate tweet: this is not the first time, as Trump said on Twitter, the Times advertises its goods.
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