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the elusive satisfaction

by:Marslite     2019-09-02
I go out every morning, get off the elevator, ride a bike, and then go to the streets.
I never overspeed when I ride;
I take my time so I can see the faces of the people around me, rush to work, rush to start a new day, the vendors scream, the self-driving driver was looking for passengers to start their day and everyone else lost!
Do you know what I notice every day?
Even if they are smiling, I can see the dissatisfied faces;
They sulked silently in it.
I saw people running on their toes, losing patience and never being themselves.
I see someone cleaning someone else\'s mess and someone cleaning their mess and I see someone sending their kids to school with a happy face because when the kids are not there they will
They are not satisfied when there are no children, and they are not satisfied now, because they cannot live as fully as they were when they were unmarried.
Is the irony hit yet?
I see rich people driving luxury cars, but fighting with someone on the phone, maybe their spouse or parents.
They are so busy making money for the luxuries they don\'t have that they ignore what they already have.
So when I was cycling I saw all of this and then I stopped at the traffic lights and now I have 90 seconds to watch the world around me.
I saw a Royal Enfield stop by my side;
This guy is good-
The girl who was riding a Pirelli looked the same, but I barely noticed any intimacy.
She was so absorbed in her cell phone that he waited desperately for the lights to turn green;
I think he\'s late.
I turned my head and saw a luxury self-driving car with mini disco lights and a lively self-driving car, but the passenger didn\'t seem to be interested and he was holding a book.
I think it has something to do with business.
Maybe a student.
Suddenly, I was distracted by a girl who sold roses;
She gave me a push and asked me to buy the pile.
I used to love roses, but now they are part of my painful memory.
However, I was in a hurry looking for change in my wallet and the lights turned green at any time. I quickly handed it over to her and put the bundle in my handbag;
Now the lights turn yellow.
But in those seconds I saw the girl jump up happily and give the money to her mother.
She put it in jhola and gave the girl another pile, she went back to play with her children and make more rose bundles;
I see a satisfied face now.
Among all the people who cross with me and me, the only satisfied faces I see are those who are poor and poor because they are innocent.
The only thing that matters to them is eating and finding a roof where they can rest instead of being beaten.
They do not know the luxury goods provided by the fabricated reality, and we have been sucked in;
They don\'t care about them or the brand.
They just want a piece of cloth to cover themselves even if it is worn out.
However, they are more satisfied than the dissatisfied faces we pose every day, complaining about our life and work.
At least we have these essentials, even more, some people don\'t have limbs, but climb Mount Everest and we sleep here every day.
What if everything was taken away from us, leaving only our foundation and our memory erased?
Will we be satisfied in the end? rupsha41@gmail.
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