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the bathtub girls gets physical with story of sisters who murdered their mother

by:Marslite     2019-09-07
Bathtub Girl created and directed by Natalia bushnick and Robin Luke Walter.
Until June 1, the Assembly Theater on Queen Street 1479W.
Parliament theater.
Very few big names in recent films explore the connection between dance and terror (
The most striking is Lucca guadanino\'s 2018 remake of Suspiria)
It\'s easy to see the reason: when we see the human body, the things that move, control and protect us, twist in an unpleasant way, fear and rejection rise.
Dancers or other performers with a high body style, every expanded crawl or throat howling done in front of our eyes has a direct connection to our nervous system.
Natalya Bush Nick and young partner Robin Luke Walter
The founder of the Kairos Theatre, who has an idea of the true story of two unnamed sisters in their physical methods (
They can\'t be named because of the age they were arrested)
From Mississauga Sharjah, he committed the first sibling case in Canada, nicknamed the bathtub girl, which is the title of the work.
Wearing simple nude photos
Two performers are called \"old\" in the show \"(Bushnik)and “Younger” (Luckwaldt)
, And tell the girl\'s story in a more naturalist dialogue, a flashing style between stones
Cold is passed directly to the audience and sports, indicating the common dependence of girls;
A distorted response to the collapse of their family and the results of neglect, addiction and drug abuse.
Many of these moments are ignored by some viewers, and take place in places that no one in the space of the small assembly theater can see, but these are the most striking elements of the bathtub girl, rely on the body rather than words to convey a growing sense of fear.
They began to progress from a relatively happy childhood.
While their mother showed a clear preference for older children and basically ignored young children, she explained --
They moved to Canada, causing cracks in their families, causing their father to leave and the mother to become an alcoholic.
As her alcoholism deepens, the girls not only have to take care of themselves, but also find escape in their minds --
Change the substance.
Bushnik and Luckwaldt\'s performances don\'t necessarily make these girls human.
They are cold, far away, destination is blank
But they do provide a potential explanation that, in their words, will drive two teenagers to speed up the process of a mother who has already embarked on a clear path to early death.
In the end, the show was hesitant to turn these girls into everyone.
The place where the bathtub girl shows young hands is a victim of monsters or compassion.
Bushnik and Luckwaldt have dramatic gaps in the way the story is built, preventing its construction from reaching a fatal conclusion --
For example, it is difficult to know where the mother\'s alcohol abuse came from, and it is difficult to know what prompted this sharp decline.
But with the sound design of audio journalist and podcast producer Phoebe Wang, the girls in the bathtub benefit from the threatening female chorus hanging on their sisters, and represent their mother through the voice of Julia sidlanska.
However, if Walid Ansari\'s lighting design is to match the counter-effects of the performances of Bush Nick and Luke Walter, it needs to be clearer.
In my opinion, the tub girl is similar to the wonderful mouthpiece of Amy wiesbakken and Nora sadawafemale two-
Strong Handel deals with a dynamic mother
The daughter\'s relationship, apart from the darkness of the relationship here.
Bathtub Girl is a fringe festival that needs more development, but it should have a promising future if it reminds a mouthpiece.
Carly marga is from Toronto.
The star\'s drama critic and freelance contributor.
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