striptease u.

by:Marslite     2019-10-03
Until last week, there were not many places where a shy novice could go to a professional strip guide.
It\'s a pity.
Because now, professional \"indoor dancers\" or \"featured artists\" working in \"Gentleman club\" can earn more than $100,000 a year, sometimes even more.
Good coins are not the only benefits.
She is free and the work keeps her in good shape and she can ask to deduct Victoria\'s Secret bill.
Dance talent academy opened recently--
Or rather, it belongs to Scarlett\'s door, an \"upscale gentleman\'s club\" in Clearwater, Florida \". --
Help aspiring strip dancers give full play to their God-given talent.
12 young women from Kentucky, California, New Jersey and elsewhere
On the first day of class, various places appeared.
The school is run by the pure talent agency, which represents 250 adult dancers and is booked at more than 2,500 gentleman clubs across the country.
Pure Talent plans to hold a one-week course every month, and the owner says there is already a waiting list for aspiring entertainers.
Owner Jim hahayek said the top 12 students were born on the first day of their class, \"Bright-
Eyes and ready to learn.
\"Hai hayek runs the school with his wife Ann Marie (Ann Marie), a former\" featured artist \"who has since retired from undressing to pure
At the Dance Academy in Heinz \",
No ballet slippers, no bar and no leotards.
Instead, they train with brass fire poles, colored lights, high heels, and occasionally fog machines.
These students range in age from 20 to 1. 30s (
She refused to provide the exact age)
Learn to bump, work the bar, have lingering eye contact with the audience, choose the right music and wardrobe, get the right cosmetic surgery, spread the land magazine, eat the right food, exposed in adult movies, choose their club with caution and listen quietly and intently to their voices while offering thigh dancing to clients.
However, the focus of this specialized college is not on divesting the art, but on sound financial planning and well-arranged career development.
Because anyone can be naked, maybe not everyone.
Once naked, maybe not everyone has the ability to land in front of a room full of strange men.
However, for those who are willing and capable, the greater challenge is to integrate this ability into a home that can provide them with a home and get rid of 9-to-
There are new Lincoln pilots every fall.
As Jim hayek said, \"There are a lot of these ladies who have families, or single mothers, who may be on food stamps without this profession.
This gives them the flexibility to take the time to raise their children if they have 9-to-
Earn a minimum wage of $300 a week.
He\'s a savvy 33-year-
The old man with a degree in marketing at the University of South Florida is subtle and respectful in describing his environment.
For example, the word \"stripper\" has never been said.
Therefore, the word \"woman\" has never been said.
His client is either \"girl\" or \"lady\" or \"dancer\" or \"artist \".
\"He calls them most of the time,\" ladies.
\"The Toclub nude bar is absolutely not good.
This is a gentleman\'s club.
Of course, what his lady did on the stage was definitely not undressing.
\"Although it is naked, it is dancing or entertaining.
At the hayeks Dance Academy, the day is divided into strip teaching at the Scarlett Dance Academy and classroom teaching on finance and career planning.
It is this information that will help students to take off their clothes and make a living and become a sustainable career that can make them a network ---
After a week of training-
How much does a woman who graduated from college earn every year, and after three years of law school study, it took five years to establish a practice.
Classroom training begins with investment coaching.
Jim hayek invited a special speaker (
He will not name who, but describe it as \"one of the country\'s top financial planners \").
Experts recommend \"ladies\" to create a custom portfolio to set aside funds in the IRA to understand the tax laws and understand the differences in financial responsibility of dancers who have successfully earned more than $150,000 a year.
Hai hayek says this type of plan is crucial because most strip jobs only last five to ten years.
If dancers manage their careers and incomes seriously over the years, they can be prepared for their own lives.
Next, a lawyer for the first amendment came here to discuss how to deal with American pornography laws in different towns.
Next is the \"career development\" consultation, which focuses on two different areas: the profession of choosing a \"family dancer\" who only performs in one club, and the profession of \"Featured Artist, \"They want to earn a higher salary by traveling from the club to the club as a featured attraction.
The dancers stayed at each club for about a week and performed 24 games in a row.
Dancers who are reluctant to go on the road will hear advice on how to choose the best home club and how to successfully make themselves popular for the long term in a sealed environment.
For acting stars, the formula for creating a dynamic career is not different from that of a movie star ---
It\'s all about name recognition and creating a marketable image.
First of all, it is recommended that dancers attend as many beauty contests as possible, especially those whose names begin with \"Miss Nude.
\"Then they will get as many photo layouts as possible in adult magazines, but there is the understanding that there must be a magazine hierarchy.
\"The penthouse is the first.
This is the credit of printed magazines . \"
\"This is crhme de la crhme.
But Cheri and Gent and scores are also very valuable to them.
After that, the problem of separating \"lady\" from \"Girl\" came ---
Performance in adult movies
\"Traditionally, adult movie stars are paid more than Magazine models,\" says Hai hayek . \".
\"They are a draw for the club.
\"A woman who is known for starring in an adult movie usually doubles her live-out fee.
The fee a dancer can charge usually boils down to the details of whether she appears as a \"box girl ---
The photo shows the girl on the video package.
For example, porn star Annamalle gets the highest fee as a club entertainer because she has successfully starred in more than 300 adult movies in just a few years.
This is a simple question of supply and demand. -
Six months, handsome guy-
A good part of forwarding to Annamalle will pay a high price for seeing the luxury of their favorite porn industry professionals.
Hayek says visibility can be particularly important for \"novel behavior ---
Women\'s appeal comes mainly from their amazing breasts.
Still, Hai hayek admits that adult movies are not absolutely necessary for an artist\'s career.
For example, Ann Marie, Hai hayek\'s wife, divided a playboy into five --
Over the course of the year, she led a travel comedy review called the dream girl Center and served as a solo dancer for several years.
She later formed pure talent and is now one of the most respected institutions in the industry.
Three years ago, Hai hayek started her business in a small apartment and today Hai hayek has his own house, new car and an independent 2,000-square-
Walking office building.
If all career development topics don\'t sound sexy, then there are a lot of topics about the opposite sex in other classes in the school.
The divestiture part of the training consists of a large-
Name feature artist, Jade Simon St
Claire, traveling 42 weeks a year with two people.
Staff on the men\'s stage and a trailer filled with $50,000 in clothing and $50,000 in fog machines, fireworks and a state --of-the-
Art Stage lamp lighting equipment.
\"I\'m like a little kiss concert of my own\"Clair says. St.
Claire, like Jim hayek, uses her own unique vocabulary to express her conversation with words like \"dear\" and \"doll.
\"She developed the role out of professional needs.
It\'s a way to turn reality into fantasy, and she says it\'s at the heart of the service she provides.
\"We told the girls that fantasy started when they walked into the front door of the club at 7.
It\'s over at 2 . \"Clair says.
\"Because it\'s a fantasy time between the walls of that club.
Those who come in to complete the business deal, or because they fight with their girlfriend, or because they just want to see a beautiful girl dance, they want to take a break from their daily life.
\"To help ensure that the foam of these guys will never break, St.
Claire says the most important thing about her lessons for dancers is to \"keep a good attitude \".
\"This involves looking deep into the man\'s eyes and showing himself in an\" elegant \"way.
As Jim hahayek said, \"cigarettes in his mouth go through the club, cocktails in his hand and chewing gum in his mouth do not imply the illusion of customers coming in.
\"When the dancer sits with a man hoping he can pay for the thigh dance, St.
Claire encouraged them to be good listeners.
\"Don\'t say too much, don\'t be negative.
Don\'t talk about bad boyfriends, and don\'t say \"I don\'t have enough money to pay the rent \".
Make it fun and make it a party atmosphere.
\"The stage technology of the new millennium, St.
Claire says it\'s more about acting and teasing than it was in her early 80 s and 90 s.
\"In the past, one or two of their songs would be sexy. They came down and danced at the table.
Now, more of a tease, back to the funny days.
\"The result, St.
Claire began with the Gypsy Ross Lee, teaching them the full history of the antics and moving on.
Last but not least, the inevitable problem comes: cosmetic surgery-yes or no St.
Claire, who has undergone breast implants, admitted that \"as a \'personal\' it is almost necessary to have a larger type of cutting.
She continued with a hint of apology in her voice.
\"Because every\" feature \"has it [in the last few years [breast surgery]
, Almost as the gentlemen look forward to seeing it. \"St.
Claire started her stage career in a musical at a performing high school in her hometown of Texas, and learn dance in New York with famous instructors such as Gregory Haines and Martha Graham dance troupe.
After taking part in a nude beauty pageant that dared to win, she gradually took the road to strip.
As serious as St.
Claire and heinks have worked hard to legalize their careers, and they have all stressed that entering more mainstream forms of entertainment is often the ultimate goal for many entertainers.
\"One of our girls was used in the December Cosmo ad and that\'s what we want to do more,\" said Jim hahayek . \".
\"Many of our girls are beautiful. \"St.
Claire herself said that her \"2000 goal\" was to leave the \"gentleman\'s club\" at work and get into mainstream television performance work.
She said she wanted to be the host on E!
Channel or VJ on MTV.
\"I like to talk to people,\" she said . \"
But for the time being, as a primary school instructor at the St. Priez Dance Academy
Claire found great satisfaction in teaching.
How young women overcome their natural depression.
\"I have a little girl here who is as shy as possible and I want her to be a feature,\" St. Clair says.
\"She came to class and said she wanted to learn how to be an outgoing person.
Today she had to undress in front of all of us.
I\'m proud of her.
I began to feel like a mother.
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