\'queer eye\' star jonathan van ness opens up about two of his obsessions — comedy and fashion

by:Marslite     2019-09-16
Hairdresser and \"strange eyes\" star Jonathan Van Ness, with his long dark hair, handlebars, scruffy beards, and a pair
Binary gender dress adds position
His career is becoming more and more diverse.
There are more than 2 perky Van Ness.
Followers of 7 million Instagram are a key part of Netflix\'s firm \"Queer eyes of straight\" restart before Bravo this year.
\"In September and October, he took 10-
Night Comedy Tour for a documentarystyle, behind-the-
Web series scenarios.
This month, the episode \"spend 10 nights with Jonathan fanness\" began airing on YouTube\'s Hotel page.
Sponsored his roadshow.
Van Ness, 31, says he has honed his comedy skills all his life.
He gritted his teeth in the funny or dead Gay of Thrones, a retelling parody focusing on HBO\'s Game of Thrones, and had a long-standing podcast, \"Curious about Jonathan Van Ness.
\"I think I was bitten by the stand --
Fan Ness recently said: \"comedy bug.
\"When I first met Margaret Joe in 2014 through gay in power, she said, \'Girl, you\'re so funny, you really should have stood up --up.
Van Nez also had a busy year.
He was photographed.
On vacation in Hawaii\'s Emmys, right outside
His new boyfriend, rugby player Wilco.
The two also recorded their time together on Instagram.
\"He\'s great,\" said Van Ness.
\"He\'s really a good guy.
I haven\'t had a man for a long time. So, yay me.
When I first met him, I thought we had sister energy. … I did friend-
And then I thought, \'Oh, my God-wait.
The \"cool eye\" star is also very disgusted with fashion. For his eye-
He and stylist Alison Brooks (
\"It wasn\'t until I met her that I knew I was an addict on a costume,\" he said . \")
He often wears a series of clothes and he says it\'s just something he explores he likes, regardless of what the traditional gender role is.
At 2018 Emmys Creative Art Awards ceremony on September, Van Ness strolled the red carpet in the mansion of Maggie Ella Metz and the sequel.
Stepping on Pierre Hardy\'s thick-bottomed booties, carrying a Prada handbag in one hand and a tuxedo --
Wearing a front face on the arm
Van Ness\'s appearance made the Internet excited, and so did his costume at the prime time Emmy award a week later --a flare-
Stella McCartney\'s white leg suit, see-through high-
Prada\'s neck shirt and a row of purple silk wallets.
He described his looks in his Instagram post, and before tagging his style team, he said \"She\'s here to kill, \'henny \'\".
\"I like to have fun.
\"I also like to dress up a little,\" he said . \" He added that his advice to a man with a beard is to skip the chin band and let the facial hair extend down from the face to the front of the neck.
\"I like to play.
I like to explore.
I don\'t like to be put into the box.
Van Nez says he has become a shopper on social media because he has made more money.
\"If your budget is not paid, or if it is Yves Saint Laurent, there is a way to cover up your truth,\" he said of the importance of people being able to explore themselves through clothes.
As for his fashion
He jokingly said, \"I think I\'ll end up in my mom\'s basement anyway --
No matter how successful I am.
My mom is great.
I think she will be a very interesting roommate.
Fans of the \"cool eye\" Restart --it’s tear-
TV programs for some fanatic viewers
It is known that the show won three Emmy Awards in September, including the casting of structured reality shows and reality shows.
This month, cool eye magazine selected the best artist of the year.
They have a new self, too.
Help book \"cool eyes: Love Yourself, Love Your Life \"(
Clarkson Potter for $2999)out now.
\"I learned from factory 5 --
Oh my God I think I can cry
They are four of my best friends.
\"They are very, very good people and we all learned how to celebrate each other. ”Co-
Van Ness said host Tan France also taught him how to create healthy boundaries in life.
After filming cool eye in Atlanta, Missouri and Kansas City
He learned a big lesson from human nature: Although there are differences in politics and beliefs, people have similar needs and desires.
\"There are more people who unite us than those who divide us, but more people who divide us. online]
He said.
\"Theater sells more.
As for his exploration of comedy, Van Ness fulfilled one of his dreams through the trip, which included a Los Angeles station promoted as \"Jonathan Van Ness and Friends. ” (
The tour ended recently in Washington, DC. C. )
On a Sunday night in October, just hours before he returned to the third season of cool eye, Van Nez took the stage in a Hollywood impromptu show on Melrose Avenue in Los Angeles, with an endless stream of viewers packed.
He spent one night introducing other comedy shows in the evening, telling colorful story jokes and sharing fan moments of his childhood and adult obsession --gymnastics. (
He has a vast collection of VHS for gymnastics, and he can chatter about the facts about gymnasts as if he was in \"danger! ”)
On this occasion, Van Nez is wearing joggers and mopeds.
Color cropped sweatshirt with reflective elements, sending a beam of light from the stage lamp light to the audience.
The crew captured all the moves there.
\"I really felt like a liar syndrome before I did it,\" he said the next day at the hamburger and carrot juice lunch at the West Hollywood hotel in London.
He was wearing a blue high-collar shirt with brown knees. high boots.
\"There are too many people I respect. I am-[Cho]
\"Joan Rivers, Lisa Lampanelli, Kathy Griffin, and all these women,\" said Van Ness, who grew up watching Will and Grace and cool as folk, it\'s a fan of Alan de Jerez and Janine garrofalo.
\"The person who stood up --
Comedians have been giving their whole career for this, and I have been doing hair on the salon and on my feet.
When \"cool eye\" is about to come out in February --
That was between last November and February.
I think, \'Let me try. I’ll just see.
. . . . . . I did a little story-telling thing here, and I did a little --minute [comedy]set here.
I\'m in L. A.
I tried it. the second time, I thought, \'Oh, no.
I have new troubles.
But which one does he prefer? comedy or hair?
\"I absolutely want to continue to do comedy and stand-up --
\"Come up,\" said Van Ness, who runs L. A. -
Working with business partner Monique Northrop.
\"I firmly believe in the law of abundance.
I think Jonathan is capable enough to do both.
. . . . . . I was a very busy barber before this happened.
. . . . . . The only reason I get to this in my career or life is because I am willing to be myself in public.
He stopped for a burger.
Then it happened.
A piece of the sandwich was broken and dropped to a place that looked like a slow
Hollywood film company
\"No,\" Van Ness said. “Missed it. Thank God.
No on this dress.
The room was full of laughter.
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