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peek behind the curtain of the next cruise ship spectacular

by:Marslite     2019-09-06
It doesn\'t look like it from outside. A boxy, white-and-
Beige buildings in other four-square seas, white-and-
A beige building in a humble Park.
But, walk through the glass door of the 6322 Pelican Creek Circle in Florida river view.
You will find a maze full of creativity
On any day, over 100 singers, dancers, aerialists, choreographers and directors prepare up to three different shows in six large studios all over the building.
There is also a huge wardrobe department with tailors and tailors who create colorful costumes, a casting center and a high
Science and Technology lighting design room.
Known as the Norwegian creative studio, there are twoyear-
Former residence of Norwegian cruise company
This is an entertainment company and a place where some of the most ambitious programs in the cruise industry are taking shape.
Richard Ambrose, a Broadway dancer, said, \"When I came to the company, I said, \'What do you want? \'they said, \'We want Broadway\'turned-
Responsible for supervising the cruise ship performance impresario for the entertainment of more than 20 ships.
\"I said, I can get you close, but that\'s what you need and they invested.
Ambrose in a rare behind-the-scenes conversationthe-
More than three years ago, he outlined the scene of this huge complex on a napkin.
At the time, the Norwegian was preparing a show for their team at temporary studios across the country.
It has no studio of its own.
\"We are actually Gypsy,\" Ambrose said . \"
We rehearse in Miami, Orlando, Las Vegas, Tampa. -
As long as we can find space, we will throw an actor.
Ambrose says the complex can perform casting at the same time for up to eight to nine ships, working shifts, and the studio keeps buzzing from early morning to midnight.
Each actor has to stay for four to six weeks, prepare up to four shows, and then go to their boat for a performance that is usually six. month runs.
The Norwegian Creative Studio, which opened in early 2014, was originally designed for Norwegian cruise companies operating 14 ships.
But the company acquired luxury Regent Seven Seas Cruises and premium Oceania Cruises at the end of 2014, adding nine more ships to Ambrose\'s portfolio.
\"With the expansion of the company, we are also expanding,\" he said . \"
The complex is currently in one of the most ambitious projects to date: The upcoming entertainment project for Regent --to-debut, 750-
Passenger seven Ocean Explorer
The construction cost is over $0. 4 billion and is hailed as the most luxurious cruise ship ever.
Speaking of the explorer\'s 12 singers and dancers, Ambrose said: \"They are now overloaded and have been here for a few weeks, he has been studying four elaborate performances in the complex, as well as songs and dances from a few less exciting performances.
A formal song and dance show
This month, USA Today and several other news media touring downtown with Ambrose saw the shows, including a tribute to American jazz and pop singer Peggy Lee;
Singing and dancing in Paris
Fashion production called Paradis;
The first half of the Tony Award
Win a day in Hollywood
They are complex, highly choreographed works that the Regent will never find until the Norwegian is involved.
Ambrose notes that, as it often does on shows, the Norwegian has brought in some big-name ideas to guide the work, which are not easy to perform.
He pointed out that all six major singers must play well in a Hollywood day, and Paradis is a \"very technical dance show \".
\"Paradis was developed by Patty Wilcox, who, along with Janis Joplin, choreographed Broadway\'s Motown musical and one night.
Peggy Lee pays tribute to dancers directed by William Whitner and Bob forth of the former joverry ballet, who choreographed the dance for the Boston Ballet and the Kansas City Ballet.
The old knock on the door of the cruise show is that they have no inspiration or even fear --
They are often the object of ridicule.
\"As bad as a cruise singer\" is the favorite phrase of talent show Idol Simon Cowell.
But in recent years, the Norwegian has been at the forefront of the revolution in the quality and sophistication of maritime entertainment.
With click on top-
To help develop new work, the company introduced large Broadway shows from outside the cruise world, including the Stone of age and after midnight.
It also partnered with circus dream creator Neil Goldberg to develop several innovative theater dining experiences on Norwegian ships.
Ambrose says the company is now looking for the best talent around the world.
Including singers and dancers from South Africa, Australia, Britain, Ukraine and the United States.
In the casting room of the Norwegian Creative Studio, a cluster of head shots are arranged on the wall ---
Each potential actor representing a different vessel.
Attached to the head photo is the height of the performer and a note detailing the code of their character.
For example, the \"FSD\" of female singer dancers \".
\"MD\" of male dancers\"
As Ambrose likes to say, it\'s a \"living Board\" and performers come up and down on a regular basis as his team looks for the perfect combination of people for each boat.
Casting expert Kai Carrier pointed out: \"casting for explorers is very difficult because we need a male singer who can play the piano and a male singer who can hit it, which is difficult to find . \".
\"We have to make sure that height can work. . .
The boys will get along with the girls.
Each professional Bill is covered.
This is really a mystery.
\"For ships like the Seven Seas Explorer, performers must also be able to interact with passengers on a social level, a tradition of the line.
In fact, Ambrose even said it was their main job and the line looked hard for people who were able to keep a balance in public.
\"They need to be able to host dinner with people they don\'t know,\" he noted . \".
\"We ask a lot, but it\'s also a great show because you can really see the world.
Ambrose said: \"The Norwegian chose Tampa as its entertainment center in part because it has a lot of affordable real estate and major airports.
But also a little-
The Oasis of talent in the entertainment industry, in part because it is close to such entertainment-
It is only an hour away from Busch Gardens and Disney World in Tampa, and is full of theme parks and resorts.
\"I have amazing talent here,\" Ambrose said . \".
\"Tampa\'s entertainment community is like a hidden gem that no one knows.
\"Like the studio in Pelican Creek Circle, this is a hidden gem.
\"We are very proud of what we are doing here . \"
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