on with the show...

by:Marslite     2019-10-19
Hey, time traveler!
This article is published in 27/12/2010 (3104 days ago)
Therefore, the information in it may no longer be up to date.
After years of steady growth in the concert industry, with live entertainment in North America cooling down, 2010 will be remembered and Winnipeg is no exception.
The local concert was more lively than ever before, but in 2010 tickets were not sold as before.
At the center of MTS this year, despite visits from other big companies, only teenage fan Justin Bieber managed to sell the ice rink in the city center
Acting stars including Michael boubray, Kelly andwood, Tom Petti, Black Eyed Peas and Iron Maiden.
All of these behaviors attract healthy people and bring profits, but the era of automatic sales that MTS Center has enjoyed since its opening at the end of 2004 has passed (
Attention to Winnipeg blue bomber).
As album sales continue to decline, more and more artists turn to concerts to make money, but it seems that they are too frequent;
If you see Tom Petti on 2009 for $100, is it worth $40 to see him again a year later?
Winnieggers don\'t think so. the two stadium performances of the Eagle and Bon Jovi were not sold out even if the tickets were discounted.
Of course, not all bad luck and darkness at the concert scene. Hip-
Jump Dragon Drake and senior songwriter/1-
The 2,300 century-old concert halls of Winnie Pernier young are sold out;
The Winnipeg Festival of folklore, the Prince\'s Countryside Festival and the Winnipeg Fringe Festival all set a record.
The Cirque du Soleil is full of people; local indie-
The rock band the Weakerthans sold three of the four shows and many full bars and theater shows.
The need for live music is still there, and for me it\'s still the best night out of entertainment.
There\'s nothing more exciting than seeing your favorite live band or singer --
Songwriters, or discover new music that you may have never heard before.
The number of artists on the road
From the people\'s living room to the football field, they are playing everywhere.
It\'s amazing, it\'s impossible to see everything, so consider this list, which is a highly subjective chronological order of some of the best/most memorable performances I \'ve seen in the city this year, add one-of-
A small town event worth flying to Las Vegas. Jan.
13. the MTS Center released long-
In 2008, the current version of the long-awaited Chinese Democratic album \"Guns and Roses\" chose a trip to Canada for some unknown reason, and Winnipeg was their first show of \"Trek\".
This is a pure rock scene, from a lot of fire rolling to a huge lighting device, to a stage shaped like a corpse chalk outline, perfect for people under the age of 25song, career-
Axl Rose and his 8-man Marathonmember band.
The concert even became the top 30 of the year for Spin magazine.
The pyramids are in their heart in May 25, and Sadie in Toronto is a root band, but the talented quartet led by Dallas and Travis Good can play everything-
They perform in surf music, psychedelic music, rock music and Morricone musicPasta
Western instruments are integrated into their exciting combination.
Other bands 10-song encores?
One of the greatest music creation groups in Canada today.
Buzzcocks was one of the UK\'s earliest punk groups in May 26.
Their beautiful pop music
Punk sounds like it\'s not out of date when the first two are complete.
Album length in 1978
Music in another kitchen, love to bite
Throughout their relationship, as well as some of the most popular works.
The original members of Pete Shelley and Steve Diger are in good shape.
On June 12, the Pyramid House was Hank Williams III, the son of Little Hank Williams.
The grandson of country pioneer Hank Williams.
Williams played a huge role in the evening show, performing three completely different scenes: an old-
Country/Schooltonk set;
A set of \"hell Billy \"(
And His Accompanying project Assjack\'s metal suit.
A night with a variety of people, everyone has something.
On June 22, the Canadian Stadium hotel group Dixie Chicks opened for the eagle, but replaced the headlines with a strong competitive advantage --
Prove that the hour Group of the three groups
Mary Burns (
New shaved head)
Emily Robertson and her sister, Marty Maguire
I haven\'t lost any step since the break four years ago, almost hitting all the touchstones of their 12-year collaboration, from the open space of the breeze to the anthemic/defiant that is not ready to be beautiful, there is nothing they can prove to anyone.
In June 27, a New Orleans couple built a puppet --
Performed a funny play on Albert\'s stage (and bloody)
The puppet show, before the two walked out of the front and provided a hot and dirty swamp, reached its climax as the setting turned into a huge monster --
Bukit Blues, everyone is dancing, sweating and singing in the crowd of about 100 people.
June 28, the pantage theater of Philadelphia chic
These days, hop septet is known by the public as Jimmy Fallon\'s late-night band, but they prove their reputation as the world\'s greatest live hip-hop band to the crowded House
Hop group is guaranteed to have a very trendy set including some out-of-left-
Wild covers of Led Zeppelin, Guns and Roses, Gary greet, and boidley.
How many hips are there?
As part of their musical instrument Whirlpool, the hop costume has a sousone one?
In July 4, MTS Center made its debut in the city since the mid-term
Prog in Los Angeles in the 1990 s
The metal band\'s concerts are intense in every way, from the beating dynamics of epic works to the surreal psychedelic art and video of guitarist Adam Jones.
For many people who see this idea, this year\'s concert-
Distorted spectacle of vision and sound.
In July 13, when Royal Alberta opened for many bands over the years, the fire finally had the opportunity to make headlines and show why it was considered one of the best metal bands of the day, in the steaming Albert, there is a set that combines the elements of speed, bumps, sludge, stone and blues.
When it comes to power trios, high firepower is probably the most powerful of them.
July 26, the century concert is always unpredictable 64-year-
The old icon came to town two nights with his twisted road solo tour and made a slight revision to some of his old hit songs, quiet acoustic moments, and the large number of songs at the time
Unreleased album Le Noise, a series of twists, ring effects and atmospheric Noise rumbling in the theater. Was the 90-
A minute package worth the highest price of $250?
If you die
A big fan.
On the other side-$250? Really?
Don\'t you think it\'s a bit too much? Young? Sept.
On the 21st, Burton camings theater was one of the greatest live bands in the world, in a show that looked like the best New Year\'s Eve party ever, perform with confetti cannon from kids Yo Gabba, giant balloons, lasers, local dancers dressed up as DJ Lance Rock, and challenging Creative Music
Pop music with beautiful melody
Amazing, pleasant and simple mind-blowing. Sept.
MTS CentreThe celebrated eight on the 23rd
The Montreal rock band cast aside any doubts about their transformation into an arena band with such a loud voice that it could fill a twice-sized venue.
Each song has a different instrument, and the energy level is almost always red --lining.
One of the biggest surprises?
The show, arguably one of Canada\'s most famous bands, attracted less than 6,000 people.
A bonus is to kick off Calexico, his dusty Tex-
The Mexican national anthem and universal psychedelic benefit from the perfect sound mix, and even without being as intimate as their past local club shows, they can hear the nuances of their materials throughout the building. Sept.
24. The Burton camings Theatre reorganizes the guns and the rose axe
Slinger Slash and his new band launched an old-fashionedschool, kick-
As one of the most enthusiastic viewers of the year, the rock singer ssrq n\' roll show was rewarded.
The whole crowd is attracted to the set, which features the material at the top --hat-
Career of guitarist
Songs including GNR, Velvet Revolver and his new solo album
The building is actually moving on the foundation.
Every band in him has seen slash (
Snake Pit except Slash)
This is the best time I \'ve ever seen and he seems to enjoy himself as much as the audience. Oct.
Idaho singer-West End Cultural Center
Song writer for a mile
The wide smile fascinates a complete house with a cracked band of people who are very full of his culturerock tunes.
The collection list runs the whole range from the noisy carnival-
Sweet song-alongs (
Completely in the dark.
But, no matter the rhythm, it seems that Ritt always has the time in his life --
The same is true of the audience. —Jill WilsonOct. 1-
3. influential independent New York hotel
Rock label Matador Records celebrated its 21 th anniversary in three months.
The Sin City palms Festival is one of the greatest music weekends of my life, by voice youth, sidewalks, F-
D. up, Superchunk, Ted Leo and pharmacist, Yo La Tengo, Jon Spencer Bruce blast, Cat Power, Guitar Wolf, girl, Chavez, spoon, liz Phair and reunion guided by the voice are just a few examples. Dec. 15-
18, independent of various venuesLocal
The rock lover weak took on the heroic mission of playing each of their albums in a row at different venues and ended up performing all four albums in reverse chronological order at Burton camings theater.
The show attracted music lovers from Europe, Japan and the United States. rob.
Williams @ freepressmb.
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