mediapro middle east makes massive robe investment.

by:Marslite     2019-10-07
MediaPro, a Middle East leasing and production company, announced a massive investment in mobile lamps for robes.
Jinesh Nair, sales and marketing manager at MediaPro, said MediaPro\'s investment in robes was largely due to \"reliability \".
When it was decided to expand the mobile light inventory at Dubai headquarters, the company said the parameters included \"engineering quality and multi-functional features, as well as the growing demand that international lighting designers require robe products to meet their specifications \".
This resulted in the purchase of 86 x led washing beams with pointed, 76 xMegaPointes and three RoboSpot systems with BMFL followspot lt (long-throw)
An overall camera was designed for large venues and stadiums.
The company said it was the first special bmflfollowspot in the UAE.
MediaPro\'s initial relationship with Robe dates back to 2006.
The owners who founded the company in the UAE in 2004 have been working hard at hardon to steadily establish a business company throughout the Middle East and Asia region, this is driven by his vision and commitment to deliver cool and creative results
After the first Robe Color spots and color spots 575 and WEEE ATs, there were some gaps in other brands during the intervention year.
They reportedly returned to their robes later.
Commenting on the announcement, Nair esh Nair, sales and marketing manager, said: \"There is a general demand for products.
Ld and productions have been asking for them and we want to provide our customers with the best and most flexible options to implement their programming.
\"According to the company\'s statement, having their new Robeproducts inventory now also allows MediaPro to save on cross-lease fees, where they are increasingly involved in providing what they want
Their work includes music activities, as well as corporate and industrial performances, experiences and demonstrations in most parts of the Middle East and the rest of Asia.
This growing list of international clients comes from Dubai headquarters and bases in Qatar, Singapore, India and Saudi Arabia, employing a total of about 500 people.
The MediaPro venue division focuses on the design and supply of facilities.
\"When ld knew we could provide robes for mobile lights, they were happy, especially for the work of concerts and TV studios ---
\"Where they like the brightness, the noise level is very low for the TV,\" Nair added . \".
MediaPro usually works with independent artists and ld to advise on the lighting design and work of the event and to provide
If necessary, house design services can be provided.
Recent events featuring robes included the 2019 DubaiJazz Festival, where MediaPro created the production design, and VirginRadio\'s RedFestDXB 2019 presented their own Harold fair
They provided lighting kits for the release of point tarena in Dubai, and Enrique held a concert with all the assistants and superstars at KhalifaStadium\'s Indian superstar. R where they need strength and strength, at 90-
The rice wide stage
The full stage design for the event was produced by Harold Fernandez.
They think BMFL aFollowSpot is a \"game\"
\"Change\" in product development \".
\"The lights are small and you can also get amazing BMFL effects,\" he said . \".
All of these Robe kits were delivered by Robe Middle East, which is the responsibility of Robe e Battah.
Nair noted that the role and relationships with local suppliers are critical for any technology investment.
We need to know there\'s a stone there.
A solid support system is in place and we will be taken care of after purchase.
\"This is a real company, the real people are passionate about the industry, have a keen insight into the market, and have the talent to produce some very good products. \" [c]
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