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light show on music

by:Marslite     2019-10-14
I always wanted a cheap way to make a music show.
In this Instructure I will show you how to build my light show.
I hope you enjoy the music and the lights, this note is helpful for your future projects.
This Instructure shows all the steps I went through when designing and building this light show.
After doing some research, I decided to design and manufacture my PCB.
It took me nearly two months to build and design it from start to finish.
Before starting the actual design of the project, I did a lot of research online.
I suggest looking at the following website :.
These sites will provide you with a lot of information and answer most of your questions on this project.
This project is perfect for everyone who likes music and lighting effects.
Please vote for this project in DIY audio music contest.
What is the light show?
The light show needs more lights to flash.
It can work with the microprocessor and is programmed, this light show always works the same way no matter what music is played.
Another king who made the light show was that it was connected to music, and the way it worked was more fun and cool to watch.
It works by using filters and amplifiers.
The name itself tells us that the filter helps to filter the signal and that the amplifier helps to enhance the signal.
There are several types of filters: filters are built with resistors and capacitors, but they are organized differently depending on the type of filter category and the case of falling offoff signal.
The name tells us that only low-key low-pass filters are transmitted.
This works because when we output the resistor that slows down the charging capacitor and cannot output the voltage to follow the rapid change of the input, the voltage at both ends of the capacitor does not suddenly change the voltage.
Therefore, at a point called the corner frequency, the high frequency is cut off.
In order to calculate when the filter cuts off the high signal, this equation on the picture is helped.
This equation tells us that the calculated frequency angle, the signal at the output and the signal at the entrance remain unchanged.
However, the frequency of crossing the border will slowly reduce the signal intensity.
As input, each filter is a little bit of the displacement position of the output signal, but this is negligible. Gain non-
Reverse amplifier when using this equation: Av = (1+(R4/R5))
In order to create a passive secondary reverse high-pass filter that has at the end amplifier, we have the same equation when calculating the corner frequency, and all that is changed is to calculate the enlarged equation, that is: Av =-(R8/(R6+R7))
This name tells us that only high-tone high-pass filters are transmitted.
This works because I can\'t suddenly change the voltage at both ends of the capacitor.
We can imagine, high.
A frequency capacitor is a straight line (short circuit).
The real DC capacitor represents two wires that have never been touched at a lower frequency, which means we have an open circuit.
That\'s why we don\'t get the output voltage.
In order to calculate when the filter cutting loader signal will help this equation, this equation is the same as the low permeability filter, but we will first calculate the two secondary filters separately and then summarize the final results: the equation of the first secondary filter is on the picture.
Then sum the results and give the angle frequency of the entire filter: Fcorner (Hz)= Fcorner1(Hz)+ Fcorner2(Hz)
The gain inverted amplifier can be calculated with the following equation: Av = (1+R16 / R15)
Create a passive class 4 reverse high
Filter at the end amplifier, we have the same equation when calculating the corner frequency, the change is just to calculate the equation of amplification, as follows: Av =-(R23 / R18)
This name tells us that only band-pass filters with tuning are transmitted.
Figure 1 shows the non-
A reverse high pass filter consisting of a class 4 passive high pass filter, followed by a class 3 passive a high pass filter at the end of the amplifier.
It is possible to change the yield (2 options)
If the link between JP1 points is connected, then the gain of our Av = 129,2 is lower.
But if the connection is interrupted, we get the gain of Av = 167. 6.
Corner frequency Fc (high)
= 411Hz and corner frequency Fc (low)is 10141Hz.
Create a passive three-level reverse media
As shown in Figure 2, at the pass filter at the end of the amplifier, we only changed the connection of the amplifier. The picture 2.
Display reversal media-
Three-stage passive high-pass filter-
Pass the filter, followed by a three-level passive a low-pass filter.
Corner frequency Fc (high)
= 1325Hz and corner frequency Fc (low)= 8751,3Hz.
According to the type of filter: according to the performance of the filter, separate On a: The difference is: in the passive filter, we do not enlarge the signal, the output signal is smaller than the input signal, in the active filter, depending on the number of booster passive non-amplifiers, amplify the output signal, which is located in the integrated circuit, and even in the polarity difference between the input signal and the output signal, the active filters with active filters are also separated: The difference is that the reverse filter changes the polarity output signal from the input signal to 180 ° (+ → -or -→ +)while the non-
Inverting can\'t do that.
Category of descending signal in filter lock function (
Cut off frequency)
: Material: Total amount = 83 part stools: to create a fixed circuit, you can select between manual circuits
Drawing and computer design.
We need to absolutely have all the components before we start any schema (elements)
On the table, because the productivity of each individual element and a series of terminals is necessary (pins)element.
This is a good visual effect for us, not a crowded circuit, because if you didn\'t have elements on the table before, when making components that are too compressed, it may not even have enough space to be firmly installed in the circuit after the drawing.
When the product is too crowded and not good, it reflects the incompetence and insensitivity of the product and also reflects the manufacturer\'s failure to apply his love for the product.
Product work is not only important, the product must be made up of 50% vision and 50% technology perfect.
The product will be formed with the help of computer program EAGLE (
Graphic layout easy to apply).
The program allows us to draw the power plan and then use it to draw the plate elements and connections.
Once you have completed the link between the layout elements and them, we need to set it in the program mirror function before printing the connection on the paper, otherwise the bird\'s eye view will see the circuit.
When the link list is pressed, the ruler network on our computer is 1/10 when we draw the connection (2,54mm).
This program is free and can be downloaded from this link: I made my own PCB board in the computer program EAGLE, if you want to use the pcb I designed, I have posted my file for use by the EAGLE program.
Preparation plates: we are ready to produce circuit boards for the manufacture of plates drilled in the form of a 1/10 network, on one side of the Copper Island.
First of all, we cut in the appropriate size, paying attention to cutting to a larger surface area than the linked surface.
There is at least a Copper Island blank.
Then, purify the Copper Island with an iron sponge in order to rub vertically on a smooth surface (forwards-backwards)
There is no circular movement.
The job is to get clean copper from the dirt on the top of the stack.
The clear surface of copper needs to glow.
Sharp edges rounded.
Circuit Size: Length: 10 inch network spacing 43 (11cm)
Width: 10 inch network spacing 35 (9cm)
Weld the part and then take a cutting plate and sheet in which the connection and electrical elements are connected and start with the welding element and the link to drag the Copper Island.
Be careful that the welding tip is always clean as it helps to create a better connection and a faster tin solubility.
Verification: Then there is a stage where the conductivity is checked for connection and possible short circuit, as well as connections that may be missed.
When we find that all connections are correct and there is no error in protecting the extended connection and the lower part of the circuit.
Protection Solution: This is made on a stronger plastic pan (
Take out the cup from the empty glue of the wood carving container in the middle)
Pour the thinner pine powder into the brush and stir for too long to completely break down the dust, the liquid we get is yellow.
If you pour the liquid into a softer plastic cup, it will be eaten from the bottom after 1 minute because it is actually corrosive.
When we apply brush oil on the lower side of the circuit, keep the coating dry so that we can protect the link from oxidation.
The coating is not relevant when welding, so you can still fix anything.
Socket for integrated circuit: This error is the most unexpected, this type of socket (professional)
Noise has started to be generated, which results in a light red output showing high tuning.
In order to solve this problem, we put the old one (professional)
Replace it with traditional and cheaper sockets that these noises will not produce.
Circuit specifications (V, I, W)
: The video shows the operation of the circuit, which is connected to the LED light strip with a rated power of 5 m per meter 14. 4W/m.
As I said before, the maximum output power is the actual consumption of 30 w, which is not the same on the led light strip with rated power of 14. 4W/m.
I hope you enjoy following me with this note!
Thank you for reading!
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