gig review: nick cave in conversation, town hall, auckland

by:Marslite     2019-09-18
Shaded Nick Keve strode through the mic stage on stage and sat down in front of a big piano
His poem Steve McQueen shook the dark record solo.
\"I am God,\" it repeated sternly until the warm blue light separated the darkness from the cave and began to play the first song of the ship in the evening.
When he was done, the lights on again in the House, eyes-
He jumped off his seat and jumped, which could wrinkle his gray suit.
It is clear that most of the people who attend this \"dialogue\" program do think that they are in front of God, if not God, of course God.
This program is basically an audience question and answer session without a host, often interrupted by songs.
He was fascinated by everything and encouraged his audience to ask \"bold questions \".
\"I will answer a lot of questions that I have no right to talk about, but I will give it a try,\" Cave said as an introduction . \".
\"Make sure there\'s a problem at the end of what you\'re talking about,\" he warned . \".
\"I play a song if you have a problem, that\'s because the problem is nonsense and I need to do that. . . recalibrate.
\"It turns out that one of the biggest pleasures of the night is watching the cave nonsense --o-meter at work.
In the conversation, he was relatively new to these, indicating that he had not mastered the art of remaining slack --
When faced with a rambling, absurd, non-question.
When hit by a particularly maze-like statement, his entire face is twisted and twisted in the confusion of stupidity and confusion.
\"Actually, I don\'t know what f * k you are asking,\" he replied to an additional statement.
\"Spit it out, man!
He pleaded again. winded chap.
A disorganized attack-I think -
Pop music was cut off halfway.
With a simple, very final process, \"Okay.
\"A mother and daughter of Uber --
The fans left an impression.
Chyna Wilkinson, a teenage daughter, showed him a picture of her painting, and her jubilant mother asked him what he thought about it.
\"It\'s so beautiful,\" he replied sincerely, hugging Chyna.
\"And very small.
This is important.
\"But my dear old mother did not do it.
\"Do you accept your concept? . . like Jesus? \" Cave didn\'t.
So she asked again. \"But you are. Like Jesus.
He objected again.
She did not flinch and asked for the third time. \"Jesus Christ!
\"He pretended to throw his hands in the air in frustration and said loudly.
\"Well, I am very patient with Christ.
\"This communication is very interesting and interesting, they can be very dangerous, not peaceful and scary in performances and songs, it turns out that they are very personable, witty and have a deep sense of humor.
He knows that performing on stage is suitable for the family audience.
Asked to be an old rock star, he said the worst thing is to see so many old faces in the crowd.
He glanced deeply at the audience and said loudly, \"In fact, you are much younger than King Wellington!
\"Cheers and cheers for the round.
After dismissing a question about Australian politics, he said, \"you have a good man who manages the country, right? \".
\"My biggest wish is to see Jacinda wearing one of my wife\'s clothes,\" he continued, referring to the fashion label of his wife Susie, The Vampire\'s Wife.
\"Put it in the f * king news!
Let\'s make it happen.
His favorite performance? \"I don\'t know. . .
Maybe split Enze?
\"It wouldn\'t be New Zealand if there were no mandatory questions about the country.
\"I was beaten here,\" he recalled with a sly smile, and then described the past drunkenness of the early band at the birthday party.
He was impromptu and spontaneous, but those who often received questions got a good answer to the rehearsal.
\"My favorite album is the last one. . .
\"The first one,\" he said, and later, before dialing, \"the middle one is also good.
\"This is something interesting.
But there is also a lot of serious and insightful things in his thoughts, music, and life that need to be met.
The revelation is that one of his most successful albums, The Murder Ballad, was a joke at the beginning, to perform the iconic song, Stagger Lee, he had to \"open up to the horror of that song\" He was so scared --and by -Nina Simone.
There is also a lovely phrase in the cave.
He mentioned that as he grew older, he was filled with a \"glowing sadness \".
Describe his 9-to-
\"I need to leave my pain in the office,\" he said in the lyrics, \"Truth is not the only game in town for me,\" he said ,\".
Between the two answers, he will return to his piano.
As a player, he feels quite heavy, and although he finds his hand as the night goes by, he is very capable of appeasing the deep feelings inside and building the Earth
Break the climax and provide the feeling of acting and kicking you.
He sang about 10 songs, including the classic Alice and the seat of mercy, and some new figures, like my arms, which was a very intense performance, it tells how the song came into being.
However, someone shouted
The out request was rejected.
\"I can\'t sing Li by mistake.
\"I can\'t do it fairly,\" he explained . \".
\"I can\'t, I can\'t.
\"Nearly three hours later, he answered the last question.
It\'s about waking up.
After thoroughly debunking the myth that drugs inspire creativity, he stopped, looked around and sighed.
\"I don\'t want to end tonight,\" he said. \"It\'s kind of like,\" Don\'t take drugs \'. He shook his fingers and said in an authoritative tone.
So, uh, the last question.
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