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from kurt warner’s wife to ‘christian famous’

by:Marslite     2019-09-22
Dan Merica of CNNWashington (CNN)
In a stadium packed with 8,000 evangelical Christian women, a person near the stage stands out.
Short saltand-
Unfurled hair, wide shoulders and tall
The collar shirt, when the ballerina floated on the stage, the man sat calmly, the woman told the jokes of menopause, the event host announced, almost all of the men\'s toilets in Verizon Center, Washington, were converted into women\'s toilets for the night, causing applause.
Former St Werner quarterback Kurt Werner
The Lewis Rams and the Arizona Cardinals
When the National Football League MVP, it was about the same as testosterone --
You can get the driving world of gridiron.
The stage is why Warner is here: Brenda Warner, her angular face and intimate --
Under professional lights, short-cut blonde hair shines, telling the audience about God\'s plan for her life.
Brenda has been called Kurt\'s Uber for years.
Supporting her wife-a woman who steadfastly defends and supports her superstar husband sometimes becomes news for her rights.
Now, two years after Kurt retired, these roles are changing.
My faith: the topic that people talk about before dibrenda becomes a \"Christian celebrity --
A well-known evangelical speaker, who, like 2012 faith women touring, visited thousands of Christian women with messages of hope and faith.
As the head of the tour, Brenda will travel every weekend until November to tell her story-a story of heartbreak, love and growth.
In many cases, Kurt will be with her and sit in the audience, just like his wife does her thing in front of a cult fan.
\"Brenda Warner is no longer Kurt Warner\'s wife,\" an awesome woman said after listening to Brenda\'s story at Verizon Center.
\"Kurt Warner is now the husband of Brenda Warner.
\"We need each other, we all have a story, and Brenda Warner\'s story is a tear --
Whether you accept the part of God or not, asshole.
At the age of 18, she joined the Marine Corps, a job that took her from her home state of Iowa to the base of Japan and Virginia Beach. Virginia-where she will marry another Marine and have a baby boy.
When Brenda began to explain her life to the crowd in Washington, women applauded the lines of joining the Marine Corps and giving birth to a baby in Zachary.
Then there was a dark twist in the story.
One day at Virginia Beach, Brenda received a call to change her life.
Her husband dropped Zachary on his head, an accident that would make their toddler legally blind and ill-developed.
Brenda spoke about the hospital in Washington.
\"Zakari had a seizure-they tried to stop it around him,\" she said . \".
\"I did everything I knew-I cried, \'Jesus, Jesus, make this the last seizure.
There was silence over the stadium.
The woman wiped the tears from her cheeks;
Someone put her pink T-
The shirt on her eyes.
Brenda continued that she and her husband worked hard to get things to work with Zachary.
She told the audience that she was pregnant again, but when she was due for a month, her husband told her that he had feelings for another woman.
\"I got up and I called home and said mom was coming to pick me up,\" she said . \".
\"He doesn\'t love me after so much of our experience.
Brenda became a registered nurse, mainly to learn how to better cope with the condition of Zachary.
In order to maintain the balance of payments, she lined up to collect food stamps and moved out of her parents\' basement and entered the low place. income housing.
Then, it was another blockbuster.
One night in 1996, Brenda\'s sister called to report that their parents were killed in a tornado and that they had retired to a cabin in Arkansas.
Their house was erased from the map.
\"They are always the soft spots I fall down,\" Brenda told the audience . \".
At this point, the head in T-
The shirt is a body without a head to cry.
But Brenda quickly let go of the mood and build the mood by telling the woman God let her go through it all.
\"I married the football player,\" she said, pointing to Kurt.
\"He adopted two of me, and we have five.
Tears give way to applause.
Kurt and Brenda Warner met for the first time when they played college football at the University of Northern Iowa.
CNN\'s Faith blog: at the end of the speech, Brenda came out with Zachary to say hello to the crowd, the belief angle behind the biggest story.
\"If you ever feel that life is cheating on you, please stand up with me,\" Brenda said . \".
\"If you are disappointed in life, stand with me.
If you ever get a call that will change your life forever, let you kneel down, hold your breath, look around, we\'re all together, we need each other, we all have stories.
After that, many women said they saw themselves in Brenda\'s story.
\"She\'s just an ordinary everyday mom, raising a family like everyone,\" said Sena Hohman, her two daughters.
\"When you hear these stories, you will find that she is like me, life is ups and downs, there are peaks and lows.
Judy glitz of Vicente, Virginia said: \"In order to be able to see someone overcome everything she has, show me that I can do it.
\"Super Bowl champion, when Brenda and Kurt are under the stage, she often operates as a team with their beliefs --based work.
On the latest Friday morning before Brenda spoke at the Faith women\'s conference, the couple found themselves in a small and tedious meeting room in downtown Washington.
When Brenda\'s eyes stared at the architect who introduced them to the situation, Kurt took notes.
Topic: Plan for multiple projects
The Warners want to build an apartment home for mentally retarded young people in their hometown of Scottsdale, Arizona.
The project was inspired by Zachary, now 23year-
High school graduates.
\"Zach may have affected more people than all of us add up, because these people have something unique, special and honest that they see it, as they saw, Kurt said.
Zachary lives in a collective residence in St. Louis.
The Warners are modeling their collective home in San Arizona called Treasure House.
Provide people with special needs with the idea of living independently.
At a meeting in Washington, Kurt was well controlled and architects and consultants urged Warner people to use Kurt\'s celebrity to help raise money.
\"Take advantage of your history,\" the consultant said as he looked at Kurt, talking about football.
Like Brenda, Kurt\'s story also contains some disappointment.
After being selected as a quarterback at the University of North Iowa in 1994 NFL Draft, Kurt became a Hy-
The stock clerk at the Vee grocery store makes money.
On the shelves, he signed a contract with Barnstorms, Iowa, the Arena Football League team in Des Moines, Iowa.
With his big arm and precision, he became an AFL star.
After a short cooperation with the NFL European team, Kurt became third-
Quarterback for St. Trine.
The Lewis Rams for the 1998 season.
In the 1999 season, he was given a chance after Ram\'s starting quarterback was injured.
In that year, Kurt led the Rams to win the Super Bowl XXXIV and won the league and Super Bowl MVP.
Kurt Warner returns in the Super Bowl XXXIV, his St.
Louis Rams beat the Tennessee Titans 23-16.
Brenda has been there from AFL to NFL.
When Kurt was in college at Cedar Falls, Iowa, she met Kurt at a country bar where she was taking dance classes.
She was worried that he could not handle the fact that she had divorced her two children.
When he showed up the next morning after their first date and said he wanted to meet her baby, Brenda said, \"I love him before he falls in love with me.
When Kurt led the Rams to 1999 Super Bowl wins, Brenda was not only there --
She became part of the story.
Brenda verbally defended her husband when he lost the game, and even called the station to criticize the Rams coaching staff.
Warm with her.
The star quarterback\'s after-game kiss shot made some fans call her a soccer Yoko.
In his 12-
During his career in the NFL, Kurt was known for his skills and open beliefs.
\"First of all,\" Warner told reporters after the first Super Bowl victory.
\"I want to thank my Lord and savior --
Thank you, Jesus!
The interview provided the Kurt Foundation with a name, first and foremost \"committed to influencing life by promoting Christian values, sharing experiences and providing opportunities \".
\"The organization uses Kurt\'s NFL relationship to raise funds and organize activities for sick and ill-developed children.
Kurt is doing this most of the time today.
That\'s why he\'s talking about building diagrams, not defense schemes.
\"My retirement is not like what people think about retirement,\" Warner said . \".
\"I am very busy. I am very active in many things.
From leaving every day to going home every day, this is not a complete 180.
\"But talking about civil engineering in a monotonous hotel conference room is a long way from the National Football League.
Brenda and their religious beliefs.
FaithKurt says he has been hoping for Brenda to continue her speech career for years.
But when he became a superstar, Brenda stayed. at-home mom.
Now that Kurt is home, Brenda is free to pursue his dreams, he said.
\"We realize that there are seasons in all of our lives and dreams that need to be sacrificed, but they will be things for families,\" Kurt said . \".
\"Dream is the dream of the family.
\"Brenda and Kurt are now working closely together to plan the couple\'s latest charity-Treasure House.
Brenda, with her story and the star power of her last name, opened her own path in the Christian circuit.
When asked about Warner at Verizon Center\'s faith in women\'s events, only a handful of attendees knew about her famous husband.
This tour is aimed at evangelical women with the theme of \"celebrating important things\" and features the image of female Evangelical writers and media figures.
The trip was like a meeting to discuss the different challenges faced by women.
Kurt and Brenda see the change in their careers as part of God\'s plan for them.
\"I don\'t think I will write like this, but I see that God has solved this problem forever,\" Brenda said . \".
\"I can see how loyal he is.
I can say now that I appreciate it.
\"Telling her story has become Brenda\'s second nature.
She has become an expert in selling to God to treat heartache.
\"He called my name, he loved me and he wouldn\'t leave me,\" Brenda repeated in her speech . \".
\"God\'s word that he will not leave me is true.
\"It seems that Kurt will not.
A world of unbelief in God led by atheists should be curious --
Please read and pass. . .
Can be divided into diarrhea-predominant (IBS-D), constipation-predominant (IBS-C)
, Or alternate stool lines (IBS-A or pain-predominant).
In some individuals, irritable bowel syndrome may develop acute episodes and develop after two or more infectious diseases: fever, vomiting, diarrhea, or positive stool culture. This post-
Therefore, the infection syndrome is called \"after
Infectious irritable bowel syndromeIBS-PI). *^\";
Our own blog site, I\'m just saying how comforting it is to find someone who really understands what they are talking about on the Internet.
You definitely know how to make the problem moderate and important.
More people have to read the book and understand this aspect of the story.
I can\'t believe you\'re not doing well.
You love it because you must have a gift.
Your Warners share your faith and the work you do to promote the Kingdom of God!
You are a sweet family and I hope God continues to bless you and the people around you.
In comments about your past, I think somoene brave needs to share a story so openly.
Domestic violence is something that happens to so many people and I appreciate you taking this opportunity to make people aware of it.
You are a strong woman! !
I passed by the door of a blacksmith last night and heard the hammer ringing vesper chime;
Looking inside, I saw the hammer on the floor, beating it for years.
\"How many Hammers do you have,\" I said, \"wear and hit these hammers like this?
\"There is only one,\" he said, and then in a twinkling of an eye, \"You know, the hammer has broken the hammer.
Therefore, I think, the hammer of the word of God, the blow of doubt has been fought for a long time;
However, although the sound of the falling strike was heard, the hammer was safe and sound-the hammer was gone.
I am a Messiah believer.
I found the peace I sought in Joshua/Jesus.
He is real, there are a lot of people like Warner who, like me, know him from personal experiences.
If you do not invite him into your life like your Lord and Savior, you should really do so.
You will find forgiveness of sin and great peace and have eternal life.
I think this poster means idiot.
I would like to know if there is some kind of translation software.
I would like to know if there is a translation of low thyroid function?
I think this poster means idiot.
Fucking Tisi wants to sit on Kurt Warner\'s face.
The CNN Faith blog covers the belief perspective of the biggest story of the day, from breaking news to politics to entertainment, promoting a global dialogue about the role of religion and faith in the lives of readers.
This was edited by CNN\'s Daniel Burke, who contributed by Eric Marrapodi and CNN\'s global news collection team.
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