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derren brown\'s \'terror\' after theatre plunge

by:Marslite     2019-10-20
Fans think it\'s a part of his behavior that can be forgiven, but magician Darren Brown talks about a \"terrible\" moment when a man fell off a balcony on one of his shows.
The incident took place on Saturday at Brown\'s infamous performance at the Palace Theatre in the West End of London.
The man is reportedly sitting at the top of the 45-foot (13. 7m)
When he was pushed by his wife as a joke
Brown, 42, how he fell off the balcony and was hung in a circle above.
He wrote on Twitter: \"It\'s a joke tonight that a woman pushes her husband from the balcony.
He fell, grabbed the circle above on the way down the mountain, and hung from it.
He\'s fine, but the last episode.
It\'s terrible to send the best ideas to him and his wife.
Brown also published an article on Monday: \"has been on the balcony of the Palace theater --
I don\'t know how chap overcomes edges. Front is 4 ft -v high.
What are they doing ? \" Rob Milwood, the theater owner, described the incident to the Sun, saying: \"He grabbed the bar with one arm.
Three or four men ran down the steps and pulled him back.
\"A few inches away, there is nothing to break the fall.
The man fell 15ft (4. 5m)
According to the newspaper, before he managed to catch the lighting equipment.
The Palace Theatre warns guests on its website not to sit at the highest level if they are afraid of heights or mobility inconvenience.
Derren Brown used psychological manipulation to persuade people to participate in stunts such as armed robbery or playing Russian roulette.
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