contemporary dancers take off from themes of acceptance, elvis, and the cosmos

by:Marslite     2019-09-10
If you think contemporary dance is too ethereal for your taste, you may be surprised to find that Star Wars, Elvis Presley and video games inspire one of Canada\'s most famous choreographers in China-
Wang Wenwei was born. A recent check-
The busy dancer between Edmonton and Vancouver found that he had always dreamed of dancing.
\"I\'m working 12-
He smiled.
\"This is when I started my dream.
\"Those long hours and dance dreams reflect the fact that the famous choreographer currently has at least four different contemporary dance projects to stage in the coming weeks or months.
First of all, this weekend held a conversation at the Triffo theater in MacEwan, part of the Brian Weber Dance Company season featuring King\'s Own Vancouver
Wen Wei dance troupe.
Next week will be the premiere of \"future land\", where Wang rides the entire company of Alberta Ballet at the Jubilee Auditorium, working on a job that takes off from video game reality.
In May, he uses Vivaldi\'s Four Seasons as the soundtrack for the final season of the first season, and he will head to ballet Edmonton.
Finally, he is still doing another thing at his own company in Vancouver.
\"Everything went well and the company worked very hard,\" he said . \"
\"I\'m excited about the new work.
\"Where does his inspiration come from, how each piece goes from conception to achievement, below is a snapshot of Wang Wenwei\'s upcoming dance work, and more in Alberta
As part of the next speech by the Alberta Ballet, the dance masters will be held on February. 22-23, titledde. Vi. ate.
Wen Wei wangli\'s conversation: five male dancers in Vancouver
Wen Wei dance adaptation.
Duration: multiple single, double and group sections over 65 minutes.
Music: Pop Song Wang Wenwei picks from iTunes, from Elvis Presley to Leonard Cohen.
Genesis: premiered in Vancouver five years ago.
\"I\'m asking myself, when people come to this multicultural, multicultural country, how do we communicate and understand each other that we all have different backgrounds, many people don\'t use English as their first language, so we are isolated to some extent, strangers.
Inspiration: Wang Jianlin is partly based on his own life experience.
In 1986, at the age of 21, he came to Vancouver for cultural exchange and reached the highest level of Chinese dance.
His experience with several top dance companies in Canada led to the establishment of Wenwei dance in 2003.
Connections: \"It\'s a bit from my life experience, but politics is now dealing with a lot of issues like refugees and immigrants.
Most of the five dancers come from different countries and backgrounds, one from Iran and the other from Italy.
Here is about acceptance and tolerance.
\"Action: the day and night of the character, the bar environment, and the sequence of battles in which a person is labeled a terrorist have changed many times.
Encourage the dancers to come up with their own spoken content.
Shoes: no classic pointed shoes, only a dancer toy in high heels.
\"Restoration\", directed by Wenwei wangg: accompanied by the entire staff of the Alberta Ballet, nearly 30 dancers participated.
Duration: about 26 minutes for 7 parts.
Music: tracks of various video games.
Genesis: \"Three years ago, when the Alberta Ballet approached me, I started picking music from video games and looking at them, and I realized how they reflected our lives and what happened next, where will we go, where will the future be.
It\'s a whole new world for me.
\"Concept: Wang\'s martial arts experience incorporates this concept because war is a theme in video games.
Look: design with Asian style clothing and make-up, no pointed shoes.
Connections: \"I have some ideas about Star Wars in terms of costume ideas.
\"Working hours: a month of music and dance moves, plus four weeks of working with dancers.
Landscape: \"It\'s about how groups get together and split.
At the end of the day, they just walked in these patterns and I don\'t know how I did it, but it\'s still fresh after three years.
Christopher Anderson, art director at BalletForces, Alberta, \"sixth breath: seven female dancers on pointe. \"
The sixth breath was Anderson\'s sixth entrustment and his third entrustment at the Alberta Ballet.
Duration: about 25 minutes, there are three musical movements alternating two silent episodes.
Music: The clash between Italian composer Ezio Boso and Ludovico ayinaudi in minimalist aesthetics.
Genesis: Anderson ordered the first commission from scratch last year without any suggested topics.
Source of inspiration: \"I called together the dancers I was best at working with to see how they came together,\" Anderson said . \".
\"After studying Sleeping Beauty, I wanted to address the challenges that dancers face and how you try to fit in.
So how the struggle in life is beautiful and artistic is a dark stream.
More than any piece I do, the direction is driven by dancers.
Costume: Designed by dancer Heather Thomas, \"they move along with the costume.
Action: \"I want to incorporate the performing arts into it.
Message: \"I want to inspire dialogue and dialogue to show where ballet can go, but the audience can explain.
Jean Grand\'s carlstiz
Mettle, artistic director, BalletForces, Alberta: five chief men-
The female lovers of the company are all wearing sharp shoes.
Duration: \"in three movements, the dancer faces an absolute challenge of 30 minutes in music, emotion and body \".
Title: Latin is the root of the sky.
Genesis: Founded in 2017 by the National Art Center of Canada.
Music: the first orchestra commissioned by the Alberta Ballet was nominated for the Juno Award by Edmonton composer Andrew StanilandNow based in St.
John of Newfoundland.
Concept: \"I\'m really obsessed with the idea that humans are mentally and physically integrated into technology.
This is an abstract theme that really inspires the idea of choreography.
Inspiration: The Fibonacci sequence in mathematics, also seen throughout nature as a \"golden curve\" or \"golden ratio\", is everywhere from Leonardo da Vinci\'s paintings to Galaxy photos.
Both choreographers and composers were inspired by the golden ratio.
Once he finds out
\"I know this has to involve multimedia,\" Maitre said.
\"Visual effects: Oscar\'s projected animation
Nominated Calgary filmmaker Wendy Tilby and Amanda Fobis are on the floor and background of the stage, with stage lights hitting dancers from the side.
Effect: Grand said: \"It\'s based on the beginning of life, the beginning of Thought and Mathematics, and the visual effects around the dancers, just like they swim in the aquarium . \"Maitre.
\"It\'s like a ritual, based on very deep themes, unlike anything I could have done before.
The third movement is this gorgeous fugue that follows the Fibonacci theorem.
Andrew\'s music gave me a lot of color and texture, and also gave me a brutal conflict with beauty.
Message: \"It\'s about how ballet captures what\'s going on today.
\"Preview\" Brian Weber dance performed for Wen Wei. Venue: Triffo Theatre, Arad Hall (11110-104 Avenue. )When: 8 p. m.
Tickets for Friday and Saturday: $43; $32.
The elderly are $50 and $27.
Fifty students went to Germany. Vi.
Venue: Jubilee Auditorium 7: 30 Northern Albertam. Friday, Feb.
Saturday, February.
23 tickets: Tickets start at $52 (1-855-985-
5000 or tickets. ca)
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