City Auditor General Ken Hughes said he wanted to audit the LRT procurement for phase 2.
At the audit committee meeting on Monday, Hughes announced that he proposed to include the audit in his upcoming work plan after receiving phone calls and emails from the public and council members.
In order to complete the work, the auditor general must postpone the planned audit of travel and hospitality.
The proposed audit will be submitted to the audit committee and council for approval in 2020. Coun.
Sean Maynard plans to ask the Council on Wednesday to support the second phase of the audit, if there is no audit in the auditor general\'s work plan.
It was not until Monday morning that Hughes requested that the second phase of the audit be included. He had been.
At a meeting on March 6, the Council adopted the phase II contract by 19 votes. 3.
Lawyers involved in large-scale transit expansion procurement in the city will not tell the contractors recommended by the councillors whether they have reached the minimum technical score during the bidding process.
Later, according to a report by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Ottawa, citing anonymous sources, questions were raised about the procurement, and it was suggested that the Trillium Line contractor SNC-
Lavalin did not meet the technical scoring threshold.
\"No one even noticed before March 6 (Stage 2)
Procurement, at that Council meeting, it was clear that members of Parliament wanted some information and gave some reasons why it was not possible to provide it to them, Hughes said: \"Obviously, residents are also worried. \".
\"Since our job is to help the council hold itself and staff accountable for funding expenditures, it is perfectly reasonable that we will look at all aspects of the procurement process that people have some concerns about.
Hughes said his audit of Phase 2 procurement could go beyond the bid score and look at all the power elements granted to employees.
The \"authorization\" procedure at the town hall allows staff to make a decision without having to seek approval from parliament. Coun.
Diane Deans said she had begun to worry about how much power had been given to the staff without the need to receive the blessing of the Council.
\"I think I have increased my awareness during the procurement process in Phase 2,\" the dean said . \".
Hughes said that the second phase was also contacted by the auditor general through the fraud and waste hotline, although he noted that the tips received by his office sometimes did not prove what it was.
He will not go into the second stage of the tips in detail.
The full cost of the Phase II expansion plan is approximately $4. 6 billion.
All three levels of government are contributing to the project.