careers; engineers needed in theaters

by:Marslite     2019-10-21
1982 this is a digital version of an article from The Times Print Archive, before it starts online in 1996.
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Technology has made such great progress in the theater, where a new career begins --for engineers.
At Purdue University, fan Phillips, director of drama Design and Technology, led a graduate --
Provide the theater with a master\'s degree in art in engineering.
According to him, the project is the only one in the country. Phillips.
Mainly for students with engineering background, preferably a bachelor\'s degree in mechanical, electrical or civil engineering. Mr.
Phillips conceived the project in 1974 and began implementing it in 1976.
The Purdue administration liked the idea because it had no new buildings, no extra faculty, and little extra cost.
It mainly requires the cooperation of the engineering department of Purdue University and the staff of the College of drama design and technology. But half the time
For more than ten years, there are only five graduates in drama engineering, and there is only one student at present, which makes Mr. Phillips.
\"Oh, work is fine,\" he said.
\"I always get a call asking if I can do the job.
For example, he pointed out that both GE and siwania would like engineers who understand theater lighting because they sell lighting equipment to the theater.
The difficulty in advertising, he said, is information.
Continued Phillips.
\"The demand for theaters has changed completely since World War II.
He said that it is not clear the applications in sound systems, computers, television, optics, holographic photography, and even laser cinemas. The demand for technical knowledge of performing arts is different.
Most young engineers hope to be in high school.
Work with companies that may be more than $25,000 a year immediately after graduation, depending on their major.
So, in a sense, the problem is also pay.
Phillips said, \"because they may be paid more for working in the company than for working in the theater.
But we talked for three years.
One more question.
He explained that the Purdue University program, which led to a master\'s degree in Fine Arts, required about six semesters of work, or three years, which was a long time for the master\'s degree --level degree.
The result of the shortage of theater engineers means that today\'s technical experts usually learn engineering knowledge through \"sitting on the pants\"Phillips.
He talked about the obvious language barrier between non-technical personnel and technical personnel, which is the obstacle that the project is trying to break through.
\"It\'s much better to learn engineering first and then the need to learn theater,\" he said . \".
Tomm Tomlinson, 30, is the only student currently working for M. F.
Major in drama engineering at Purdue University.
His classmates, a total of more than a dozen, are getting their M. F.
Get a degree in other more traditional areas such as landscape photography, including clothing, lighting and sound, and commercial and technical management of the theater.
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View all New York Times newsletters. Mr.
Tomlinson is now the first year, and he wants to take about half of the courses in the engineering department to make up for some of the shortcomings in the undergraduate phase.
He started in North Carolina, studied some engineering courses and physics, and then turned to architecture.
\"I am interested in drama and I became the technical director of the Stewart Thiel campus,\" he said . \".
This is a complete one.
He said he gave up his lessons for the time being.
Later, he spent some time in Washington, working with several theater groups to do theater work for the Smithsonian Institution.
\"Then I went to Boston University and ended up with a bachelor\'s degree in technical design. \'\' he said.
M for him. F. A.
He earned his degree at Purdue University and worked with Purdue University to help him get a teaching assistant position.
Phillips is also working as a consultant for the theater he is building in his hometown of North Carolina.
He said many new theaters are still under construction despite the recession.
His specific tasks at Purdue include doing metal work and doing mechanical winches.
\"This is a professional school . \"
Tomlinson said: \"It is different from liberal arts schools that may train scholars.
No, I don\'t want to teach.
I was recruited by Van Phillips.
The message we want to convey is that the theater needs engineers. \'\'Mr.
Phillips ended up saying a few words: \"I hope serious students will find a job with the design team, the theater consultant company, or the equipment manufacturer.
He added that students should be interested in dramatic works and should also be gifted.
A version of this article was printed on page D00017 of the National edition on January 27, 1982 with the title: occupation;
The theater needs engineers.
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