at hostos, a new world of culture

by:Marslite     2019-10-03
Jon in Paray-Court
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On 1982, ujinio Maria de hoes Community College began its cultural and artistic projects, holding a series of concerts and exhibitions on the portable stage of the Grand Plaza gymnasium.
This is an image experiment.
The college is the first bilingual school in the New York City university system.
Hostos mainly serves a poor Hispanic community in South Bronx, where it trains healthcare workers.
\"No one has much hope for cultural projects,\" said Wallace I . \".
Edgecombe, who has been guiding the project since the beginning of the project.
\"They didn\'t expect people to come to South Bronx to enjoy cultural food.
But the arrival and growth of the audience,
From salsa music to drama, from classical music to art exhibitions, the same is true for these products.
This weekend, in the former location of the gym, Hostos will open its new arts and cultural center, the first full Center in New York City
A large art center centered on Spanish.
\"New Yorkers are familiar with Latino things . \"
Edgecombe said in his office overlooking the gallery that there are books, tapes and a shekere on the shelves, a bead gourd for AfricaCaribbean music
\"This is not foreign;
It\'s everywhere: you always hit it.
\"The center is part of the Hostos New Oriental academic center, designed by Gwathmey Siegel & Associates.
The $58 million building includes two theaters, 367 and 906 seats, as well as a dance studio, gallery space, a clothing store and a set of sets.
Design Workshop for woodworking and metal products.
The theater itself is a private, steep rectangle with a sophisticated lighting and counterweight system for stage production.
The larger one has a movie screen and an orchestra pit that can be covered to create a sharp stage;
One and a half of the smaller onesthrust stage.
Acoustics to be determined;
Last seat and curtain were installed last week.
Unlike many university halls, the seats of the theater are not changed to tables, and the auditorium is set twice as many as the lecture hall.
To help balance the budget, the theater may be rented out to commercial producers for technical rehearsals between shows.
In the end, internship students can join the professional team.
In the theater, the center plans to stage an ambitious season.
The show partly reflects the demographics of the Bronx and Manhattan, who have established the Puerto Rican and black population, the newer influx of Dominican people, and the recent wave of Central Americans and Mexicans.
The first season of the center will include a major pop singer from the dominican Republic: Sergio balgas, who shines in Las Vegas and packs the dominican-Canadian folk style, who
For salsa fans, the center will bring Descarga Boricua, meaning \"Puerto Rico jam conference \";
The group includes singer Ismael Miranda and musicians who have been heard on hundreds of salsa albums, including Papo Vasquez on the long, Juancito Torres on the trumpet
Puerto Rican singer Lucetta Benitez, who has been active since 1950s, will perform on November.
19. Draw on the repertoire of romantic folk songs and nueva cancion protest songs.
\"If we do a big salsa show, it\'s often an easy sale . \"Edgecombe said.
\"It\'s easy to find artists because New York is one of the capitals of salsa dance.
But we can\'t do that.
Feed people with merengar and salsa.
There is enough place to execute.
If we do salsa, if we do merengue, we like to turn things around, so it\'s not just about making him famous and getting him on stage.
Our mission is education.
On the calendar, the first season also includes classical music, jazz, traditional music, theater, performing arts and ballet.
Performers come from New York and southern regions including Mexico, Venezuela and Chile, and many deal with the tension and synthesis between the Creole heritage of the Caribbean, local culture and European and American influences.
Guillermo Gomez
Performance artist Pena will provide a work called \"Borderama\" on topics such as the North American Free Trade Agreement and immigration.
The art gallery will feature works from Puerto Rico and Manhattan, \"ysla\", starting in November \".
In terms of traditionalism, Hostos will show Inti Illimani from Chile, who plays Andean music on traditional flutes, pipes, drums and guitars, and Gurrufio from Venezuela combines traditional music with modern improvisation.
Banda Elastica from Mexico City has incorporated elements of Mexican tradition into the music that reflect the influence of Steve Ritchie to Miles Davis\'s \"Bitch beer;
This is the dance group of the performance, Asalto daily (Daily Assault).
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Hostos\'s own repertoire
The theater company will perform \"vermi Madre Que es Verdad! \" (
\"I swear on my mother\'s grave! \")
Colombian playwright Enrique Buena Ventura staged a farce in South Bronx.
In the spring, Pepatian dance will begin producing the family, a multimedia work based on the story of the South Bronx family.
\"There is no single Latino culture . \"Edgecombe said.
\"The variety is incredible.
\"The quilt is based on the life advertisement on the opening day, and the center plans to launch a quilt made by Faith Ringgold to show the scene based on the life of Eugenio Maria de Hostos (1839-1903)
Educators, writers and speakers born in Puerto Rico.
Performances in the afternoon and evening will include Africa-
The American ring is a dance about \"sexy Latin\" stereotypes called \"Who killed Carmen Miranda ? \"?
, And Roberto Serra\'s world premiere of \"Bayan (
Seeking the identity of the Allianz)
, \"Contemporary singing based on the book\" La Peregrinacion de Bayoan in Bayan \"by juginio Maria de horstos (
[Wandering of Baya people].
In this work, the bayans follow Columbus\'s path in reverse, looking for the identity of the Caribbean Sea.
\"The whole piece begins with the introduction of violence and ends with an Elegy . \"
Sierra said between rehearsals.
\"The beaya ended up in Europe and there was no solution to his pursuit.
He is looking for identity, for love, for all the idealistic things that humanity has been looking.
It was a sad ending because his fantasy was shattered. \"Mr.
Sierra, a Puerto Rican, studied contemporary European composition with Gyorgi Ligeti.
\"He asked everyone to look inside and out and look everywhere . \"Sierra said.
\"For me, not being in Puerto Rico gives me a stronger sense of thinking about things in Puerto Rico.
I don\'t want to be shavistic, but the Caribbean is one of the most interesting places on Earth, to say rhythmically.
\"In my music\"
Sierra continued, \"I have been trying to incorporate elements of contemporary language that reflect my ethnic background.
I never quote things like rhythm, even though you can feel that pop music has a big impact from the 19 th
Century salon music
I am trying to capture the essence of the split sound.
It becomes something nostalgic and dreamy.
In a way, it\'s like going through the veil of time.
\"Tomorrow night, the center will be presented with jazz by singer-pianist Shirley Horn, who translates the standard into original, intimate penance.
She will be accompanied by the Harlem Music Festival Orchestra, along with vibraharpist Milt Jackson, who founded the Modern Jazz Quartet.
Will they come when the center is completed?
\"We have the best mailing list in the Bronx . \"Edgecombe said.
He pointed out that the 149 Street subway station is on the same well.
As the lighting block of the college;
The Brukner and the main Degen highway are nearby;
The George Washington and Triboro bridges are easily linked to the Hispanic community in Astoria, New Jersey and Queens.
\"This is a great location,\" said Mr. Edgecombe said.
\"All you need to do is make people change their view of South Bronx.
\"A series of cultural events were held at Hostos Center this weekend, planning to celebrate the opening of the Hostos Community College Arts and Culture Center, 450 square, located on 149 Street, South Bronx district.
You can get to college by subway and college by subway.
2, 4 or 5 IRT trains to Grand Plaza and 149 Street station;
Take bus, BX1, 2 or 19 buses.
Activities are free unless noted. Information: (718)518-4455.
This is an activity schedule from center to center. December. Today QUILT-UNVEILING. A mural-
The size quilt of the faith lingjin, depicting the life of the 19 th eukinio Maria de Hoss
Century Puerto Rico educators, writers and speakers will be unveiled in the atrium of Shirley J.
United Health science building. 11 A. M. OPEN HOUSE.
Visit the new cultural facilities of the Oriental academic complex and stop in a variety of spaces where performances, rehearsals and sporting events will take place. Noon.
\"Who killed Carmen Miranda?
\"Patricia Hofbauer\'s dance work, which premiered worldwide, examines the stereotype of the\" hot Latin \"performed by Bronx 139 middle school students at the Oriental academic center. 2 P. M.
Reggie Wilson and his dance troupe will perform traditional manual performances.
When African slaves were rejected as musical drums in North America, they created a clapping proceduremaking.
The event, in the form of a parade from the atrium of the Oriental academic complex to the main theater, is a prelude to the performance of the Qing opera \"Bayoan. \" 6:30 P. M. \"BAYOAN (
Seeking the identity of the Allianz).
Roberto Serra\'s symphony, adapted from the song of Bayan (
[Wandering of Baya people]
This is a 1863 fable by Eugenio Maria de Hostos about the journey of three indigenous chiefs of the Caribbean to Spain.
The Bronx Art Orchestra performed in Spanish with Pablo Elvera and the baritone;
Angelina Leo, soprano
Pianist Leon Bates
Flute player Dave Valentine and narrator Jorge Ramos;
Presided over by Guillermo figaroa.
English translation is provided.
The show, which unveiled the main theater, will also feature traditional songs and flute writing. Valentin.
Tickets: $25 to $200. At 7:30 P. M.
Tomorrow, with Shirley Horn, Milt Jackson and Harlem Festival Orchestra, singer Shirley Horn, and rock-shake performer Milt Jackson, the Harlem Festival Orchestra at the main theater
Tickets: $20, $22. 50. At 7:30 P. M. Oct.
Ballet, aged 22 and 23.
A performance performed by the classical ballet house from Puerto Rico at the main theater. Tickets: $12. 50 and $15. Oct. 22 at 7:30 P. M. and Oct. 23 at 3 P. M. Oct.
\"El bestia\" 26 to 28 (\"THE BOOR\").
Anton Chekov\'s comedy 19 th century
Century Puerto Rico, created and directed by Pablo Cabrera.
Performed by Hostos reperanza Company in Spanish at the reperanza theater and provided text in English. Tickets: $5.
7: 30 and 6M. Oct. 28 \"BORDERAMA.
Performance by Gillermo Gomez
Pena is a writer and founder of the San Diego border arts seminar in California. Mr. special. Gomez-
Pena and Roberto Sifuentes perform at the theater of the repertoire. Tickets: $15. At 7:30 P. M. Oct.
Sergio Vargas and his Orchestra
Performed by the orchestra and ballet in the main theater. Tickets: $17. 50 and $20. At 7:30 P. M. Nov. 1 \"YSLAS.
\"The exhibition of works by 11 artists from Puerto Rico and Manhattan will open the Hostos art gallery. 5 P. M.
The display will remain in view until January. 15.
Business on weekdays, 10. M. to 6 P. M.
There are appointments. Nov.
Salsa dance and jazz.
Salsa and Latin jazz band de scarga Boricua from Puerto Rico will perform at the main theater. Tickets, $17. 50 and $20. At 7:30 P. M. Nov.
Music and dance.
Asalto Diario, a dance troupe from Mexico, will perform on a covered pedestrian bridge near the theater of the repertoire, and then join the Mexican rock and jazz group Banda Elastica to perform in the theater of the repertoire. Tickets: $15. At 7:30 P. M. Nov.
Por mi madre que es verdad from 16 to 18 years old! \" (
\"I swear on my mother\'s grave! \").
Adapted from a farce by contemporary Colombian playwright Enrique Buena Ventura, a gambler uses saint.
Peter and Jesus.
Performed in Spanish by Hostos reperanza Company and provided text in English. Tickets: $5. At 2 and 7 P. M. Nov.
The Puerto Rican singer will perform in the main theater.
Tickets: $20, $22. 50. At 7:30 P. M. Nov.
30 MERINGUE and contemporary music.
The Venezuelan combo Gurrufio Ensemble will perform traditional meringue and contemporary fusion music at the reperrier Theatre. Tickets: $15. At 7:30 P. M. Dec.
Andean music.
Inti Illimani from Chile will perform Andean and contemporary instruments at the main theater. Tickets: $17. 50 and $20. At 7:30 P. M.
A version of this article appears on page C00001, country edition, October 14, 1994, with the title: in Hostos, a new cultural world.
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