are flatscreens really worth buying?

by:Marslite     2019-10-12
Last Thursday was a tough day for Pioneer President kogu Susumu.
He took over as president in October.
Now he has to announce the Japanese electronics giant\'s exit from the tablet TV market.
\"It\'s painful that we have to give up the business that we are leaders,\" he said . \".
\"But the market has changed so suddenly that we can\'t keep making a profit.
\"There is some irony in this.
Pioneer is not only one of the first companies to sell flat-screen TVs, but also one of the most popular companies
Tier Kuro models are considered to have the deepest black levels in any flat-screen TV.
The company\'s recent foray into the field of liquid crystal display has also received due praise.
In addition to the global financial downturn, the main problem is that pioneers simply cannot close the gap with their competitors.
Panasonic Tablet TV market share is 37, Samsung market share is 23, LG market share is 16.
In the first nine months of 2008, Pioneer\'s performance was only half that of the District, which was not enough.
So the pioneer stopped immediately-
The company said it would shut down its television manufacturing business by March 2010.
The company will focus on the lucrative car audio business as well as home audio and professional DJ equipment.
In recent weeks, another appliance giant, Panasonic, has also announced a reduction in television production by delaying the opening of a state. of-the-
Art plasma panel factory near Osaka, Japan-all for cost reduction.
In addition, other flat-screen TV makers such as Sony and Toshiba have also issued a warning of losses, and it is clear that the TV market is far from certain --Fire enterprises.
However, it did not seem that the makers of flat-screen TVs could fail just a while ago.
Prosperity starts ahead-
Up to 2006 World Cup, Ping-
One flat-screen TV each.
7 seconds in the UK
Demand did not drop when the match was over.
Sir Stuart Hampson, then chairman of the John Lewis Partnership, said: \"People are increasingly turning to flat-screen TVs and then realizing that, in contrast, the second TV in their bedroom looked big and ugly, so they asked us for another one.
In January 2008, John Lewis reported that tablet sales increased by 50 year-on-year --
Samsung Digital TV sells for £ 89 every six minutes.
Despite the economic downturn, demand is still high.
Many responded to the slogan \"staying at home is new to going out\", investing in home entertainment as a cheaper option to go to a bar or a movie theater.
The difference now, compared to 18 months ago, is that people want cheap flat-screen TVs.
This may be to some extent why long-term focus on high
The final model is out of the market.
It knows it\'s been defeated, especially now.
The cost of flat-screen TV is pouring into the market.
For example, Asda sells 28-inch LCD TVs for £ 125 (
Although this model has the word \"technical difficulties).
Both Argos and Tesco\'s flat-screen LCD displays are priced at around £ 15.
The question is: is cheap tablets a fake economy?
According to Sheffield
Justin Smith from AerialsAndTV
Com, which has been engaged in TV maintenance for many years.
\"In my experience, the more expensive the TV is, the less reliable it is, and certainly not very reliable,\" he said . \".
\"It\'s also worth remembering that flat-screen TVs are much more expensive than the old cathode phototubes.
So it can even be argued that cheap tablet screens make more sense because they can reduce the pain.
However, many consumers think it is wise to spend more money.
Happy customer Mike Chates invested in a Pioneer Kuro last year, which earned him more than £ 1,000.
\"Pioneer has made some of the best TVs in the world,\" he said . \".
\"It\'s very expensive, but you get what you paid.
Jim Hill, review editor for T3 magazine, responded to this.
\"The problem of going low --
\"The cost of a tablet screen is that you may have a reliability problem,\" he said . \".
\"The best option is to choose a well-known brand and make sure it\'s in HD --
Ready, there\'s a built in
In the Freeview tuner, it is ideally 1080 p [
Define rating
If you are looking at a screen size of 40 in or above, be prepared to accept full height-
Define the signal.
\"To meet these specifications, you will need to pay around £ 500 for the LCD model and around £ 700 for the plasma device-probably less if you can find a good deal online.
Although pioneer has recently started producing LCD televisions, it is primarily focused on making plasma TVs, which tend to be more expensive.
The jury decided which one was the best.
Some swear to the plasma, some swear to the LCD-which technology you choose depends on your personal preference.
LCDs are generally not greater than 52 in (
Bigger sets are being developed)
, Usually give a slightly clear picture in a smaller model.
The plasma group is often larger than the LCD, with a screen of up to 71 in or so, and the contrast is usually better.
The real difference is the way these two TVs work. LCD (
LCD display)
The TV uses a network of thousands of tiny LCD pixels to create the picture you see, while the plasma TV uses plasma (
Xenon and neon gas)
Between two pieces of glass.
Until the first flat-screen TV went public in 1997, the TV used a system to make pictures-cathode ray tubes (CRT)
It was invented in 1897.
In 1925, Scottish inventor John loggi Baird showed television technology for the first time.
CRTs were dominant until the 21st century, but now they are moving in the direction of dinosaurs.
The problem is that crt TV is heavy and bulky.
They will never be really slim.
The tablet screen is lighter and thinner.
Sony has just released its latest Bravia LCD tablet screen, the 9-year-old ZX1. 9mm thick, one-
The depth of the typical 1950 s CRT Group.
But, as one of Sony\'s spokesmen pointed out: \"It\'s not only worth having, because it\'s the thinnest.
From the technology of innovation and use, this is great.
This is no exaggeration,
ZX1 is definitely cuttingedge.
Its image blur reduction technology not only provides clear, clear images, but it\'s completely wireless so you can forget the ugly cable, images can be transmitted remotely from a set of devices to the screentop box.
It\'s priced at less than three, though, and it\'s hard to get a budget.
So if you are planning to stay at home for the next few months, please follow our guide to get the most out of your money when buying a tablet.
Figure 1: How big is the buyer\'s shopping guide?
In order to make the best size for your room, you need to consider your viewing distance.
| If you\'re sitting too close to a big TV, the picture can look blurry or rough.
Sit too far and you will miss the details and not be able to read the small text.
The general rule is that your TV should be one. third to |one-
Half the length of the viewing distance (
Don\'t forget that the TV screen is measured diagonally).
So if you are sitting 8 feet away from the TV, the ideal screen size is between 32 in and 48 in. Full-
Screen or widescreen?
Most TVs today are widescreen, but some cheaper models are still full screen
Screen, more like the previous crt TV.
These are available in the kitchen or bedroom. Full-
TV screen has width-to-
The height ratio of 4: 3, the height of each 4 inch is 3 inch of the width. Wide-
The ratio of screen TV is 16:9, which is the preferred size for Super TVsharp HDTV (high-
TV clarity. LCD or plasma?
The most popular types of TV today are LCD TV and plasma TV.
The jury decided which one was the best.
But the easiest way is to decide where to go depending on the size of the TV you need.
Very few plasma is smaller than 42 in, while LCD is usually not much larger than 52 in.
In a dark room, the plasma TV has better contrast and brightness than the LCD screen.
So if you\'re going to watch movies with family or friends a lot, plasma is probably your best choice.
On the other hand, LCD TVs usually reflect less light and glare, so they are better priced in more normal light conditions.
* Better plasma TV for a wider viewing angle.
With the LCD, some brightness may be lost if you sit on the side of the screen.
* Plasma TV is considered better defined for motion-a key benefit of motion and | action --movie fans.
Early LCD display due to movement
The response lags, where a single pixel is slightly out of sync with the image on the screen, resulting in ghosting and trailing movements.
However, LCD technology has made great progress, and any difference can be ignored now.
* LCD may be the best option if you plan to use your TV with a console or computer monitor.
The plasma of the static image is not very good, while the LCD displays them perfectly, with complete color details, no flicker, and no risk of the screen burningin.
But again, advances in technology make these differences less obvious.
* LCD TVs usually use less power than plasma TVs and less juice than conventional CRT TVs.
* If it is doubtful which technology to adopt, let a TV store run LCD and plasma side by side under different lighting conditions, if possible, and then make a judgment.
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