archival footage: crocodile in the yangtze at vancouver film festival

by:Marslite     2019-10-06
Vancouver entrepreneurs have told me over and over again that they are looking for material in the world through Alibaba. com.
Now, we can see the archive footage of Jack Ma, China\'s first internet entrepreneur, who was behind this very successful catalog of manufacturers, started as early as 1999.
As we all know, a humble English teacher, Crazy Jack hid in the apartment with 17 friends and finally built 16,000-
At a time when the idea seems absurd, the employee\'s Internet business.
Whistler entrepreneur and number onetime film-
Manufacturer Porter heresmann worked for Jack Ma in the early days of Alibaba. com.
His movie \"crocodile in the Yangtze River\" is being released.
The crocodiles in the Yangtze River took advantage of 200 hours of archival footage taken from more than 35 news, documentaries and company sources between 1995 and 2009.
As a director and producer, heresmann connected the footage with the narrator, creating his personal memoir at the company.
In the last days of Alibaba, heresmann proposed to make a book about his time at the company-when the book failed, A documentary-and received a video containing the company\'s video file.
This material is the main component of the crocodile in the Yangtze River, and it is also the unexpected wealth and failure of heresmann.
Who knows that crazy Jack is such a great speaker?
We saw him in the corporate speech after the corporate speech, for the world, like a particularly serious motivational speaker.
\"It\'s a very rare way to speak in China,\" Erisman told me . \".
In business people, at least in those days, the point is not to motivate the team to achieve a top goal.
\'We are close, \'he said.
We saw Ma Yun and his 17 friends hold their first meeting in his apartment.
What kind of foresight or self-confidence will let Ma Yun video his first meeting of his start-up company?
Then Jack Ma\'s passion for the entertainment industry.
Plenty of footage shows the company\'s elaborate parties, including confetti, costumes, singing competitions and skits.
On one occasion, Ma appeared on the stage in a strange suit, and the light and effect of the stage lamp will make Las Vegas and Hollywood proud.
Erisman explained to me, \"in China, it\'s normal to have a big celebration every year and everyone is singing and dancing.
Crocodiles on the Yangtze River depend almost entirely on corporate archives.
I \'d love to see some interviews.
After 30 minutes, I am eager to have a deeper and broader understanding of Ma Yun and his business strategy, not just the understanding of rock-and-roll --
Star performance and exciting ability \"we have to work harder than others to beat e-Bay” speeches.
A couple of painful embarrassing scenes are coming up again.
Documentary ethics issues were developed and introduced.
It turned out that Erisman told me that the material was a file clip he and Jack Ma were trying to sound natural when they were recorded by three German documentary producers.
\"This movie, I reverse engineering from the archive video.
\"It was never intended to appear in a movie,\" Erisman said . \".
In the scene of the hotel room, \"There are three Germans filming me in my hotel room . . . . . .
Imagine how embarrassing this is. If I had re-
Promulgated it and I will do better.
Erisman explains the challenge of making this movie like this: \"Once someone gives you a chance, you won\'t go back again . . . . . . .
I disappear for three years and I know if I go back and interview [Jack]
. . . . . . I have a feeling that someone might try to close my movie and I want it to be a separate thing.
Crocodile in the Yangtze River80 minutes)
The exhibition is being held at 4: 30 p. m. on October 11, 6: 15 p. m. on October 12 and 2: 30 p. m. in Imperial Granville.
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