and the winners are...

by:Marslite     2019-09-06
Tiffany Wood and Charlotte Riley (
East Durham and Howe Community College)
Sunday Times student drama critic Harold Hobson
Central Academy of Language and drama)
Kingston Young Critics Award (University of York)
Ben Hodgkins Technical Achievement Award (
Peterborough Regional College)
Julie Colney, Lighting Design Award (
Liverpool Academy of Performing Arts (LIPA))
Stage electrical awards for sound design Sykes and Tim Pickup (
Goldsmith College)
Kennedy Award for Director of Bush Theatre
Queen\'s University of England)
AwardFiona, director of Bath Goodbody health (
Legate\'s grammar)
Director Guild AwardRhys McClellan (
Peterborough Regional College)
Director Marcus Conrad and Kate pringer (
School of Performing Arts and Technology, UK)
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