a grandfather is recording his voice so his grandchildren can hear it when they grow up

by:Marslite     2019-08-31
Nothing is more heartbreaking than forgetting your voice.
A grandfather who lost his voice due to motor neuron disease has decided to avoid this by recording so that his grandchildren can hear him when they grow up. 62-year-
Old Tony Plante recorded 1,200 words that would allow him to respond to loved ones on the computer
It sounds like his own voice.
He hopes this will keep his real voice for his two granddaughtersyear-
Old Charlotte and threeyear-old Chloe.
Speaking about the importance of \"banning\" his voice to the grandchildren, Tony said: \"I feel that most things are useless and I can\'t move, but I can still talk to my grandchildren.
They will be able to recognize it as the voice of grandpa, not just the voice of a robot or the voice of a stranger.
\"It\'s important for me that when my voice is gone and I can\'t get it back, it will have a huge impact on my future.
Four years ago Tony, the former bricklayer, began to notice the symptoms of a gradual muscle atrophy when his speech became vague.
With the deterioration of symptoms, co-
Tony and his 58-year-old wife, Janet, were diagnosed in last October.
In his diagnosis, Tony said: \"We were told that the worst case scenario was that most people lived only three to five years from the beginning of the diagnosis.
In the end, everything is closed except your brain.
Motor neuron disease is different in everyone, but most people end up losing their voice.
During the recording, Tony repeated the sentence with the language therapist.
Some of them came from the movie The Wizard of Oz.
The process of recording his voice involves breaking down words into individual letters and re-recording
Join them in a sentence and synthesize the father-
The natural voice of the two
Tony said: \"You have to go to a completely quiet room and record 1,200 sentences in a monotonous voice.
\"You can do about 30 to 50 sentences and then you\'ll get tired-it took me about three weeks to finish all the sentences.
\"This is the sound of the computer, but that\'s my voice.
\"The best way to describe it is if you have siblings when you talk to them on the phone-they sound like you, but not exactly like you.
Although Tony realized that he would lose his ability to complete many tasks, he believed that it would be more tolerable if he could still communicate.
When Tony retired more than two years ago, more motor neuron symptoms began to appear.
The fisherman ran two fishing shops, fell off the ladder and broke his spine in one place.
He recovered well from the injury but started to stumble and couldn\'t walk and blow the nose at the same time.
Tony went to see his GP and he thought he might have a stroke.
But after 18 months of examination, Tony was diagnosed with motor neuron disease.
The disease has now developed, which means Tony has to use a wheelchair.
But he refused to let his conditions stand in the way of anything he wanted to do.
\"I have some bad moments, but we won\'t let it beat us,\" Tony said.
\"I\'m still fishing.
I may not be able to walk into the river, but I can still fly fish from the boat.
\"He even has disco lights in his wheelchair so he can safely go to the bar in the village.
Tony said: \"The village we live in is very small and has no street lights and sidewalks, so it is completely black when I go to the bar.
\"I had disco lights in my wheelchair and I flashed the lights so everyone knew I was coming. \"I have power --
Assisted electric wheelchair, it goes up when I\'m in the bar, so I\'m not going to be convinced, which means a lot.
He still keeps his 15-year-
The American tradition of fishing in Montana every year.
\'I still plan to do this in next September, if I can,\' he said.
\"You have to try to be optimistic about the situation because there will always be people who are worse than you.
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